The resident of the Asturian municipality of Villaviciosa who was awarded a second prize in the Eurodreams raffle on November 6 and who is being presumed dead by several media outlets has clarified to Europa Press that it is all a lie and that the publications that are causing a strong commotion and damage to him and his environment.

“I’m alive,” insisted the man, who prefers to remain anonymous, just as he did a few days ago, when he won the award. He validated his ticket at receiving office number 35,355 in Lastres (Colunga) and won a unit prize of 120,000 euros. It is 2,000 euros per month for five years.

On Saturday night he went on a trip with his daughter through northern Spain. He returned to Asturias and first thing in the morning his wife called him. “Are you okay?” She asked him, worried, after receiving the information about her death. His brother also called him very worried when she read the news. “I didn’t understand what was happening,” explained the Asturian winner of Eurodreams.

Little by little and, given the seriousness of what a death implies, the initial discretion was broken and many people talked about his death. Because of his work he is quite well known in different parts of Asturias.

His phone started ringing non-stop. “I was there since midday answering those who called me to tell them that everything was fine, it was crazy,” she indicated. She also received a high number of messages.

The calls continued this Monday after other national and regional media reported on the ‘fake’ death. The man does not understand how he could have been presumed dead without being verified. “Please remove them,” he said in relation to the information published in this regard. No one has given him any explanation or apologized so far.