The mayor of Albacete, the socialist Emilio Sáez, has today broken the government pact that he had with Ciudadanos since the beginning of the mandate, after the coordinator of Ciudadanos in Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Picazo, has announced that said pact would be broken if Sáez did not resign this Tuesday.

In a press release, Sáez has communicated the rupture of the government pact with Ciudadanos, after Picazo said, in a press conference this Tuesday, “lying is a form of corruption and we do not deserve a corrupt mayor”, reports Eph.

Picazo has alluded to the information published this Tuesday by EL MUNDO, according to which Sáez would have been aware of the possible leak to his former adviser of the entrance exams to the Local Police in October, five months before what was reported in the opinion public, a case that was filed by the Prosecutor’s Office after being investigated.

The socialist mayor has even advanced that he is going to file a complaint for these statements, since in his opinion “this accusation is an insulting slander of the regional head of Citizens.”

“What had to happen has happened,” added Picazo, consulted by this newspaper. “It is a way of diverting the focus. He is not interested in talking about the leaks of the exams to his advisor or the report of the computer experts.” Emilio Sáez has not yet signed the decree by which he breaks the Government of Albacete. “There has been no communication. He has not yet taken a step forward. He has not withdrawn the delegations to our councilors. Only one of our councilors has left the Executive: he has resigned.”

Relations between Sáez and Picazo are broken. “Sáez drags a black legend of corruption and lies and Picazo maintains the essence of regeneration with which Ciudadanos was founded and that is not the case. The problem is not so much the PSOE but Emilio Sáez,” added municipal sources. “Some public contracts, various appointments and various procedures are under suspicion.” Carmen Picazo, as this newspaper has learned, has the support of the national leadership of Cs.

According to Picazo, Sáez “lied to all Albacete and this is intolerable” and has called for Sáez’s resignation and has advanced that, if he did not, his formation would leave the local government in compliance with the ethical code.

In the 2019 elections, PSOE obtained nine councilors and CS, four mayors. Both parties signed a government agreement, through which the orange formation held the mayoralty of the city from mid-2019 to mid-2021 and, since then, Emilio Sáez has been mayor, who will now govern alone, with a month to go for the municipal elections to be held.

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