The PSOE has filed a claim with the Central Electoral Board (JEC) against the survey company Sigma Dos and the newspaper EL MUNDO, whom it accuses of publishing a series of surveys in which data from the surveys themselves were omitted.

The party demands that the newspaper carry out a rectification and publish the data that in its opinion is missing from the polls and do so no later than three days from the publication of the resolution of the JEC, which it urges to resolve “as soon as possible given the importance of the matter”.

In the lawsuit, the PSOE alludes to article 69 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) according to which the JEC will ensure that the data from the polls do not contain falsifications or concealments and may collect the information from whoever carried out the survey. necessary technique and the checks it deems appropriate.

According to the PSOE in its complaint against EL MUNDO, the newspaper published a survey on May 11 in which some of the information required in article 69.1 of this law was not indicated, specifically: “the name and address of the organization or entity, public or private, or the natural person who carried out the poll, as well as the person who commissioned it to be carried out, the full text of the questions raised and the number of people who have not answered each of them, the margin of error of the same, the level of representativeness, selection procedure of the respondents and the date of completion of the field work”.

The party led by Pedro Sánchez also extends its complaint to GAD3, Sociometrica, ABC and El Español and urges them to rectify said error and make it public. Thus, in their claim before the JEC, they point out that ABC omitted the data relating to “the name and address of the body or entity, public or private, or of the natural person who carried out the survey, as well as the person who commissioned it to be carried out. , the full text of the questions raised and the number of people who have not answered each of them”.

They also indicate that El Español did not specify “the name and address of the body or entity, public or private, or of the natural person who carried out the poll, as well as the person who commissioned it.” The three denounced polls were published last Sunday, June 11, 13 days after the decree calling general elections for July 23 was published in the BOE.

In this sense, the secretary of Electoral Action of the PSOE, Javier Izquierdo, has explained that some of these surveys give the PP “a much higher result than what the citizens later give it at the polls” and therefore they want to know that what published as an estimate “really corresponds to the reality of the data”, he indicated.

Finally, it has indicated that they present this claim to the JEC to facilitate the greatest possible transparency and that citizens have access to truthful information and that therefore they can decide their vote on July 23 “in a free and conscious way, unrelated to any type of poisoning”.

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