Users of social networks are criticizing the president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, for a video that has gone viral in which he sings to a hospitalized patient without wearing a mask, which is mandatory in public health spaces.

In the video, one minute and thirteen seconds long, the Cantabrian president dedicates “Adiós Pueblo de Carmona” to the interpreter of traditional music from Cantabria Benito Díaz, with whom Revilla has sung this mountain jota on several occasions, including in Christmas greetings, and that he appears prostrate in a hospital chair. The messages on social networks have not been long in coming and the criticism has also reached the political level.

The spokesperson for Ciudadanos in Cantabria, Félix Álvarez, has reminded Revilla on his Twitter profile that it is mandatory to wear a mask in a hospital. “Even for Mr. Revilla, the one who smoked cigars when the restrictions prevented him,” adds Álvarez, who has also made this scene ugly during his speech in plenary session of the regional Parliament this Monday.

Also the attorney for this formation in Castilla y León Francisco Igea, who was vice president of the autonomous community, has considered it a “gross that respects the privacy of the patient.” “Using a patient in these conditions for propaganda should cost Revilla and the hospital manager their jobs,” he said.

After a question from a journalist in the presentation of an interpellation to Congress, the national deputy of the PRC, José María Mazón, has assured that he did not know the video. “I can’t tell you, if he is logically forced he would have to have it (the mask)”, he replied.

In addition to critical messages, the scene has also given rise to memes by users of social networks.

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