Asked by radio new york’s Wor 710, for the promotion of his new film, Da 5 Bloods aired on Netflix, Spike Lee has attracted the ire of the social networks.

read also : Da 5 Blood, Spike Lee lost in the jungle on Netflix

The object of this sentence ? You have come to the defence of Woody Allen’s hit by the cancel culture (culture of erasure), this call to boycott the media since the allegations of the adoptive daughter of the director of Annie Hall and Manhattan.

“Woody Allen is a great filmmaker, said the director. And the policy of effacement for which he is the object does not only. In retrospect, we will realize that we can’t just erase someone as if it had never existed. Woody is one of my friends, and I know he is going through this ordeal at this time .”

For the record, Woody Allen has been suspected in the 1990s of having sexually abused his adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow. The case has resurfaced with the movement #MeToo, has ruined his career, and this in spite of the abandonment of the charges by the statement. Disowned by his peers, the director, new yorkers no longer films in the United States, and his memoirs, published in France on 3 June under the title , incidentally, have almost did not see the light of day.

read also : Understanding the case of Woody Allen in five points

anyway, Spike Lee, the reactions réprobatrices that have swept over the social networks, is back on his remarks and was presented the next day its more flat apology on Twitter.

“I apologize deeply. My words were false. I will not tolerate, and will not tolerate forever the sexual harassment, assault or violence. Such treatment cause real damage that can not be minimized. – Sincerely, Spike Lee.”