Russia wants to decide the future of NATO and the US wants not to interfere with Ukraine.

With a mix of distrust and low expectations, Russia and the USA began talks on Monday to reduce tension around Ukrainian conflict, which runs the risk of rekinking.
On the Geneva negotiating table were the security guarantees proposed by Moscow, including a legally binding agreement that NATO will not be extended more to the East.

The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Serguei Riabkov, said there were no progress in the security talks between Moscow and Washington on the question of rule out the future Ukrainian membership in NATO.
Riabkov insisted that it is absolutely essential for Russia to ensure that Ukraine never becomes a member of NATO.
It is, he said, a matter of national security.

The US National Security Advisor, Jonathan Fine, reiterated the US position that Russia has no right to determine relations between Ukraine and NATO.
But Riabkov threatened: Moscow’s response to any failure in security talks with the United States would be technically-military nature.
The Deputy Minister refused to reveal what it will be concrete, shielding that Moscow focuses on diplomacy for now and does not want to discuss what new military deployments could do in case of rupture of the negotiations.

The US is willing to increase assistance in security to Ukraine before an eventual Russian incursion in the country, warned the Undersecretary of State of the United States, Wendy Sherman.

During the press conference after conversations in Geneva, Riabkov said there is a basis for the Agreement between Russia and the United States.
But he noticed that Washington should not underestimate the risks of confrontation.