The current anticicy, dry and stable time in most of Spain, which lasts from the end of Christmas and that in February has brought more common temperatures in April, it could be an end this Friday, when the arrival of rain is expected to
Northwest and east of the peninsula for the withdrawal of the anticyclone towards the European continent.

“Most of this week will elapse with stable time in Spain. The high pressures that have affected our country for more than a month will prevent the arrival of Borrascas, with what awaits us a few days with very few rain, nocturnal cold and a
More tempered atmosphere of the normal, with temperatures more of April in many areas during the central hours of the day “, according to Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the Meteorology State Agency (AEMET).

From the field indicated, in statements collected by servimedia, which is “possible” that from this Friday there are news in the meteorological situation because it is expected “a withdrawal of the anticyclone to the east, that is, towards the interior of the European continent.”

Although there is still “much uncertainty” about how this time change will affect, in the field, it stressed that this displacement of the anticyclone will facilitate the arrival of low pressures at large places in Spain and frontal systems that would bring rains to some areas and snow to the mountains, while
That temperatures will fall until it is located in more than February values.
“Recall that we are still in winter,” he remembered.

“It does not seem that, in general, large amounts of precipitation are going to be recorded, but at least this cycle will be broken several weeks without just rainfall or snowy. Remember that at many points of the peninsula more than a month ago than not
Single drop falls, “commented on the field.

Between Tuesday and Thursday, the high pressures will continue to dominate the weather panorama, with little cloudy or clear skies, although in the Mediterranean area there will be more clouds due to the influence of East Winds-Therefore, of Maritime Origin- and it is not
Discardable that some weak and scattered rains occur at points of the Valencian Community.
The Levante wind will also intensify in the strait intensely and will take clouds and some weak rain in that area.

“Already on Thursday, and as a small anteroom of the change we expect from the next day, there could be weak rains in Galicia and nearby areas. In the rest, few clouds, although morning fog banks will be formed at points of the interior, especially
In the Ebro Valley, plain areas of Huesca and Lleida, Interior of Galicia, South Plateau and other southeast points, “he said of the countryside.

Regarding temperatures during those three days, they will rise on Tuesday and Wednesday in the north, and Thursday in the south.
The frost will continue at dawn and early in the morning in mountainous areas, the northern plateau and páramos of the peninsular center, and will be extended on Thursday to the South Plateau.

The thermometers will mark -5ºC or less in some points of East of Castilla y León, the northeast of Castilla-La Mancha and the south of Aragon.
For the day there will be a temperate atmosphere, with temperatures that in the central hours will be between 5 and 10 degrees above normal for this time of year.
For example, 18 to 20 degrees are expected at points of the Bay of Biscay and the two plateaus.

In the Mediterranean, with humid winds and the accumulation of cloudiness, there will be temperatures more chords for these dates, with maximum of between 17 and 20 degrees.
There will be more heat in the valleys of the Guadalquivir and the Guadiana, with values of 20 to 22 degrees.

In addition, the thermal amplitude – that is, the difference in temperatures between the night and the day – will be notorious, with more than 20 degrees at points of the northern plateau and the environment of the Iberian system.
“Therefore, winter environment at dawn and spring atmosphere at noon,” he summarized from the field.

On the other hand, the uncertainty in the prediction of time increases from Friday, although that day there will be changes with two possible scenarios for that day.
“In one of them, the most likely scenario, a low pressure area would place the peninsular west and give rise to rains especially in the northwest quadrant, decreasing those rains in probability, extension and intensity the more southeast.

The other scenario, which is less feasible, but at all disposable, would place the low pressures in the Mediterranean area and the rains would especially affect the northern third, the Balearic and East Peninsular, with snow in the mountains of those areas, “Apostiló del Campo

The greatest chance of showers this Saturday would be on the peninsular northern third and the Mediterranean area, and on Sunday a new front could arrive that would leave rainfall in the northwest.
“In summary, there is enough uncertainty about how this episode of rain will affect us, it does not seem that in general it will be an episode of intense and generalized rainfall, but at least it is likely to rain in areas where it does not
Single drop falls, “commented on the field.

The temperatures will descend from Friday, the frost will continue in the northern half and the peninsular center, and for the day the thermometers will be placed on values more of February.