Former President Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees, such as Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, were key to the judgment

A Supreme Court ruling on Thursday will make it easier to sentence minors to life in prison without parole.

In a 6-3 vote, the country’s top court ruled that judges don’t need to discover a juvenile murderer beyond rehab to issue such a term.

Former President Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees were crucial to the judgment. Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote the majority’s opinion.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that the choice”guts” earlier cases.

She contended that almost 1,500 juvenile offenders serving life without parole desired”the opportunity, at some point in their lives, to demonstrate a parole board they have done to rehabilitate themselves and to request another chance.”

“Now, it seemsthe Court is ready to overrule precedent before acknowledging it’s doing this, much less providing any special justification. It’s really hard to see how that method is”based in the law instead of in the proclivities of individuals,” Sotomayor wrote in a dissent.

The decision stems from a case involving a Mississippi man who had been charged with killing his grandfather in the state in 2004 when he was 15 years old. Brett Jones, currently 31, stabbed his grandfather to death in a dispute over his girlfriend, reports said. He had been convicted of murder, and a judge sentenced him to life without parole.

Jones had contended he isn’t”permanently incorrigible” and should therefore be eligible for parole. The court rejected his reasoning.

“In a case involving an individual who was under 18 if he or she committed a homicide, a State’s discretionary sentencing process is both constitutionally necessary and constitutionally sufficient,” Kavanaugh wrote.

Back in 2005, the court ended capital punishment for people whose crimes have been committed before age 18, finishing in a collection of instances that minors must be treated differently from adults because of their lack of maturity. The court sided with minors in 2012 and 2016.

At the moment, the court said life without parole should be reserved for”the rarest of juvenile offenders, those whose offenses signify permanent incorrigibility.”

The case is Jones v. Mississippi, No. 18-1259.