France bends not the spine-face of the United States. This Thursday, the Economy minister, Bruno Le Maire, has reacted to the us decision to withdraw temporarily from the discussions on the introduction of a taxation of the giants of the digital. The boss of Bercy has confirmed having received a letter from the government of the United States announcing their refusal to continue negotiations, and he denounced a “provocation” us, on France Inter.

read also : Tax Gafa: the standoff between France and the United States is not finished

“We were inches away from an agreement”, has regretted Bruno The Mayor, claiming that it was a bad decision. “What is this is that this way of treating the allies of the United States […] by threatening us systematically to sanctions ?”, he then insurgent. “The United States have suggested that a pause in the talks of the OECD on international taxation at a time when governments around the world focus on the response to the pandemic of Covid-19 and on the re-opening any security of their savings”, said for its part, the secretariat of State to the u.s. Treasury.