Hessian teachers ‘ unions have once again warned strongly against the planned reopening of primary schools on Monday. The chair of the education and science trade Union (GEW), Birgit Koch, called it “irresponsible” that after the Corona-forced break now and again, all elementary students are to come to the classroom. “Until the school house, we have the Corona-pandemic – and the inside not to be?” she said.

In Frankfurt came together on Friday afternoon, several dozen people to a WT-rally. Some had plush ears on the head and held up signs in the air reading: “We are the Corona-try rabbit” or “the teacher and the student as a Guinea pig? No!“. The Frankfurt WT-Chairman Laura after dinner said: “We are of the stress test for all of you.”

The Union gets E according to the words of the WT-Chairman cook regularly-Mails from parents with the Tenor, primary schools are not experimental laboratories in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic. Many mothers and fathers not announced to send their children to class, she said. The WT do not reckon that 10 to 15 percent of the teachers are for the classroom because they belong to a risk group.

children as Guinea pigs?

“It is, and will remain contradictory if on the one hand, the Chancellor stressed that the distance requirement to stay in the A and O, on the other hand, again in the class Association will be informed,” said the state Chairman of the Association of education (VBE) of Hesse, Stefan Wesselmann. “Or that large-scale events up to October, remain prohibited, while allowed to meet in some schools, on a daily basis, hundreds of children and adults.”

no one is happy to be a Guinea – pig – “certainly, if not for adequate laboratory conditions is taken care of,” criticized Wesselmann, with a view to possible space and lack of staff. Teachers should get the opportunity to regularly test, he demanded. It also had to be provided for colleagues who have this need for security, effective masks available.

the state of Hesse Ministry of culture is according to the words of his spokesman Stefan Löwer, that all reason had schools sufficient time to return to the Five-day-a-week to prepare. “A representative image is not before us, however,” said he, in Wiesbaden, Germany. “We are aware that we have school principals and College expect a further Reorganisation, the operation of the School a lot.”