Blood ties, today, on Wednesday, October 6, at 22:35, at the 1 of TVE, dedicates its program to the life and work of Miguel Gila, a humor teacher.

What was hidden behind his smile?
How was the relationship with her children?
And her sentimental life?
This new delivery of the program, presented by Boris Izaguirre, Bucerá in his life through the children of him, Miguel and Carmen.
In addition, the program will recover some of Gila’s most famous gags will discover the true History of the humorist, who had everything, but he died with nothing.

Boris Izaguirre will be accompanied by the debate by important comedians such as José Corbacho, Javier tired and Solead Mallol;
The actress Emma Ozores, an intimate friend of the family;
and journalists Isabel Gemium and Luz Sánchez Mellado.
All of them will help trace a personal and professional portrait of the artist.
Here, an advance:

In blood ties they will remember some of their performances, in which it transmitted a very original mixture between ingenuity and accurate darts, in which, for example, he spoke of war but with a marked critical background.
Many of the famous phrases of him were made famous, like the one of “Is the enemy? To be put”, which have later been replicated by important humorists as a tribute.
He also came to act at the comedy club shortly before dying with the monologue the story of my life.

Miguel Gila managed to laugh at his own dramas and came to become a real national icon thanks to his memorable monologues, many of them next to a telephone.
Here we show you five of the most delirious monologues of it: