They blame each other. The dance of responsibilities around the death of Samuel Luiz, 24, makes this Saturday just a week in La Coruña, has begun, and the four detainees of age who have previously declared before the judge investigating the facts – Three males and a woman, all of the coruña and all participants in the lynching of the young man until death – have begun to blame each other to try to avoid or at least minor the sentence, as he could know the world of judicial sources. The secret of summary decreed by the holder of the 13th Instruction Court of La Coruña has made that he has not transcended until now or the identity of the aggressors or the content of his statements. However, the world could know that in those four statements that have taken place so far based on Judicial Headquarters, who gave the savage beating to the young man have begun to blame each other about the participation of him in the facts. After listening to them, the judge sent the three males to prison and released with charges, a circumstance that could delve further into that division when attributing responsibilities. The girl is a couple of the young man who would have attacked Samuel first, giving up to the beating. Two minors detained this Friday already elevate six people formally investigated by Samuel’s death, with the Judicial Judicial Police Brigade working at home, at a detention, to clear some facts that have shocked the country by His crudity and in which the researchers have not just seen homophobic dyes reported by the friends of the deceased. An active participation These are four young people between 20 and 25 years and the two minors, both in full adolescence and with previous behaviors marked by violence, although only one of them has a police history. The National Police considers that the six had an active participation in the brutal beating that the victim received, to which they surrounded and attacked in a group on two occasions. They internsate the minors involved in the crime of Samuel the holder of the court of Instruction number 1 of A Coruña, in guard functions, decreed last night in a center for the two minors detained on Friday by crime, as sources of the government’s delegation have informed Efe. As for the four adults, the judge considers them suspected of the same crime, although participation in the facts of the girl is considered a lower, hence his provisional freedom. The prosecution coincides with the decision of the judge, which is just the one that she had asked after listening to the four suspects. One of them had collaborated with the police giving his version of the facts. In the case, he is also investigated by misappropriation because, after the deadly beating, he picked up the victim’s mobile phone and took it. Samuel Luiz lost the device after the one considered as principal given him the first blow and asked the friend who accompanied him to seek him, although he never appeared. The lawyer of & amp; Apos; the chewing gum & amp; The lawyer of this suspect is a well-known corrupter penalist, José Ramón Sierra, which in 2018 coarse owned because he was the first lawyer of José Enrique Abuín Gen, Alias & Amp; Apos; the Chicle & Amp; Apos ;, murderer of Diana Quer, although he left his Defense for lack of confidence. In this case he does trust the client of him, from which he assures that he is & amp; quot; innocent & amp; quot;. The boy went to the police & amp; quot; voluntarily and as a witness & amp; quot; And he declared a first time. He later he was arrested and did it again. According to him, he did not participate & Amp; quot; neither in lynching nor what is considered as homicide & amp; quot;. Research continues open and is not ruled out that more detentions occur during this weekend, since at least seven people participated in the brutal aggression. The researchers work at this time on the hypothesis that the aggressors attacked Samuel as a result of a misunderstanding in which the main aggressor – in prison – and the girl who accompanied him – in freedom as investigated – they were faced with Samuel and his Friend Lina because they thought they were recording them, when they were actually making a video call.