The Amancio Ortega Foundation has donated 280 million euros to the Ministry of Health for the purchase of ten protontency teams, the most advanced treatments against cancer, which will be distributed to Basque Country (one in Vizcaya), Catalonia (two in Barcelona),
Galicia (one in A Coruña), Andalusia (one in Seville and another in Málaga), Valencian Community (one in Valencia), Community of Madrid (two in the capital) and the Canary Islands (one in Gran Canaria).

Thus, they will become the first protontency teams that will belong to the National Health System (SNS), since so far the two unique in Spanish territory are in Madrid and are owned by Quironsalud and the University of Navarra clinic.
The purchase will anticipate health care from four years in the General State Budgets (PGE), although the total cost for public coffers will be “zero euros” thanks to the donation.

According to government president, Pedro Sánchez, the criteria that have been followed to assign these teams to the autonomous communities are “the existence of professionals who can apply these treatments, the size of the population, the geographical accessibility of the city and its location

“Protonterapy significantly reduces unnecessary treatments in healthy tissues, it is an effective way for tumors in which radiation therapy is not effective and surgery is not an option. Having ten teams in our country is a jump of extraordinary magnitude. It will allow you to give
Response to the present and future needs of patients and research in this type of treatments. It is a good commitment that will put Spain at the same level as Germany in the use of protonterapy, “held the head of the Executive.

For its part, the Vice President of the Amancio Ortega Foundation, Vice President of the Pontegadea and Vice President of Inditex, José Arnau Sierra, has highlighted that this donation “will allow not only to make the use of this technique accessible through the public system, but
Do it with the ambition and scope that our country deserves, placing Spain in the head group of the countries that have this technology. ”

“Protonntee is a technique that allows a very effective treatment of tumors of difficult access or located in sensitive locations, with a very high precision that shortens the treatments very significantly and prevents largely the side effects of other techniques. Its availability goes
To allow offering an alternative of cancer healing until now nonexistent to several thousand Spaniards every year, a large part of them. You can save hundreds of lives each year that now truncate and offer thousands of patients a healing alternative with treatments
More short, much less aggressive and with a very substantial improvement in their quality of life. We can increase the hope and welfare of thousands of patients and their families, “he applauded.