In four weeks of holidays are beginning for the Hesse summer. Formerly, it was the time when the air mattress out and inflate it was rolled out – not that she makes on the beach, limp. There was no way out, who must this time questions with a box of chocolates armed, the grouchy neighbor, whether you can water the flowers.

In these days, but a strange mood from exhaustion, hope, and confusion in many families. The past few weeks, under the dictation of Corona were hard. It was on – in the face of the economic downturn, unsafe workplace with the strict hygiene requirements and / or in a home office with children who did not know what to do with the accumulated energy.

Who dares now to book at short notice a holiday or who was not so brave, to cancel the old reservation, the a journey into the Unknown. Although, what are the pre-early adopters with Children to the North sound and Baltic sea, coastline reports, very promising: The sea is clean and the beer fresh. Everything actually, as always, is tweeted Selfies from the beach walk included in that.

The good mood don’t want to but coat-of-arms as a right cross. Because the question of whether with family, the risk of a trip, was not particularly abroad, nor to high, everyone must answer for themselves. The foreign Minister makes a, this decision is not made any easier. The end of the travel warnings mean no travel recommendation, he says sibyllin table. This is one of those records that no one needs. And almost threateningly, his comment sounds, this time the German tourists would not be brought back up, all back. Nice that the Lufthansa-Chef has objected to him now.