So is the ‘law Celaá’: the Government, delivery to Catalonia, the decision of what courses are given in Spanish
The ‘box of Spanish’, invisible to the Generalitat
The Government wants to cede to the government of Cataluñael control of the teaching in Spanish. In its draft education reform, which has had access to THE WORLD, the minister Isabel Celaá delivery to the Government of the presidentQuim Torra the power to determine what subjects are taught in Spanish and which are in Catalan and left in the hands of schools the adoption of measures to “compensate” for the “gaps” that may exist in any of the two languages.
The “aim” of the also spokesman for the Executive is to carry out a regulation of the educational competences of the State and the autonomous communities “respectful of the constitutional framework and is based on cooperation and institutional loyalty”, as stated in a document that summarizes the main changes of the law. The problem is that this “allegiance unconstitutional” until now, there has been, since Catalonia has refused to guarantee a minimum of Spanish in their classrooms. Although Justice took the form of a 25% the proportion of teaching in English, the majority of colleges and institutes of Catalan teaches only one subject in this language.
the 69-page draft does not provide for any mechanism to respond to the requests of parents who want their children to study in Spanish something more than the matter of Language. On the one hand, it eliminates the formula devised by José Ignacio Wert to pay private centers to those families, already nullified by the Constitutional Court.
on the other hand, maintains that, “at the end of basic education, all students must understand and express themselves, orally and in writing, in the castilian language and in the language co-official status”. But the only thing that does is fiarlo all the Catalan school, as entrusted to the centres, the development of “analysis” to “ensure” that all students have the “required grade” and leaves them to take the “necessary measures to compensate for the shortcomings that may exist in any of the languages”, in a revealing tune with what was said in the new language project of the government, published a month ago. “This is like putting the fox to look after the chicken coop”, values Mario Gutierrez, president of the Education trade union CSIF, who believes that the text is “a payment to Catalonia in exchange for receiving supports.”
“reasonable Proportion”
The draft is half way between the LOE, that just was the use of co-official languages, and the Lomce of the PP, which for the first time, contemplated that “the castilian is the vehicular language of teaching across the State and the co-official languages are also in the respective autonomous communities, in accordance with their statutes and applicable regulations”. This written remains, and also has been the phrase which says that autonomous regions “shall ensure the right of pupils to receive the teachings in Spanish, the official language of the State, and in the other languages co-official in their respective territories”. But it has disappeared, the duty to make a “reasonable proportion” in Spanish, as they say in the courts. Nor are now forced to Catalonia to do a “programming” of their educational offer, which guarantees the right of students to receive the teachings in both languages. It only indicates that you should set “the subjects that should be taught in each of them, and may do so heterogeneous in its territory”.
The Organic Law Amending the Organic Law of Education (Lomloe), which will be submitted to Congress before the end of the year, also includes other new features:
Five large tests
Disappear reválidas as tests with effects on academic but there will be four assessments, in addition to Selectivity: some of them will be census and will make the centers all students in 4th of Primary and 2nd of ESO. Others will be sampling and multi-year and will make the regions with methodological standards of the Ministry in 6th year of Primary school and 4th ESO. The purpose is to diagnose weaknesses in the system and take action. They will not ránkings comparison of their results.
Religion, Philosophy, and the Holocaust
to return to the division of powers of the LOE: the contents of the Ministry will require between 55% and 65% of the time and the rest will be determined by the autonomous communities. Beyond the core subjects, it reduces the supply of courses before you put the State. Religion falls out of the list (Catholic Schools expressed Tuesday his “concern”), at the time that it reinforces the Philosophy and shields the Classical Culture. The electives may be configured also as a monograph, a collaborative project with a community service or a matter of our own supply center. In the curriculum, which will be less detailed, remain the jewish Holocaust as a historical fact, the culture of the gypsy people and the prevention of gender-based violence.
The regional governments had a weight of at least 50% in the commissions of selection of the directors, who were appointed through a competition of merits. Now at least two-thirds of those who vote will be teachers and parents or center staff. This avoids the designation of candidates sympathetic to the Administration, but opens the door to convert the process in a run up to the election.
Bachelor’s suspense
To obtain the title of Bachelor will need to have all the courses are approved, although “the Government, having heard the autonomous communities, will establish the conditions and procedures for which, exceptionally, the teaching team can decide to obtain the title of Bachelor’s degree for the student who has passed all the subjects except one, provided that it is deemed that it has reached the objectives linked to the title.”
spends three
In Primary repetition will be something “exceptional”, but, if it occurs, the student will have a plan of reinforcement individualized. In THAT, the students repeated course “when you have a negative assessment in three or more subjects”, but “exceptionally, may be allowed for promotion of a student when the educational team deems that the nature of the matters do not overcome will allow him to successfully pursue the following course, considered to have favorable expectations of recovery and that such a promotion will benefit your academic progress”. The law Wert added to this the wording of the condition does not suspend the time Language and Mathematics. In high school it will be like in the Lomce: it will go from 1st to 2nd with a negative evaluation in two subjects as a maximum.
public Squares and concert
retrieves the wording of the LOE quand he said that the autonomies “will plan for the educational offer so as to ensure the existence of public spaces enough, especially in the areas of new population”, but not taken into account in the planning of that offer “social demand” of the families, a term that benefits the concert.
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