The National Audience away to another judge related to the PP of the tribunal that will judge the B-box of the party

Challenge of the new court that will judge the accounting B PP

The new president of the Provincial Audience of Madrid will be John Paul Gonzalez, the last of the judges sub-paragraphs of the judgments of the Gürtel by its proximity to the Popular Party. The Plenary of the Audiencia Nacional accepted the challenge raised by charges popular and retired to Gonzalez the court that will judge the accounting B of the PP and other causes related to Gürtel.

The reason put forward in the objection was that Gonzalez had lost the appearance of impartiality by having been member of the CGPJ on a proposal precisely of the PP, will be one of the parties personadas in the judgment of the papers of Barcenas. The judge formed part of the governing body of the judges between 2001 and 2007. In addition, he had maintained a relationship with the FAES, the foundation linked to the party.

Gonzalez has earned 11 votes in the Council compared to the 10 that have supported Ana Mercedes Mill. The rest of candidates have not obtained endorsements, among them the judge of the Audiencia Nacional investigating the case Villarejo, Diego de Egea. Against the agreement of appointment has been announced by the formulation of a particular vote dissenting the vowel Clara Martinez of Careaga, who is joining the also vocal Enrique, Lucas, Concepción Sáez, Pilar Sepúlveda, Álvaro Cuesta and Rafael Mozo.

The new president of the Provincial Audience of Madrid has nearly 30 years of exercise. He has practiced in Astorga (León), Santoña (Cantabria), Barcelona and Bilbao, where he was a senior judge. After her years on the Board went to the Provincial court of Vizcaya then to Madrid. In 2012 he was appointed judge of the link in France, a position in which he remained until 2015. From there went to exercise provisionally as head of the central court of Instruction 3 of the National Audience, subsequently going on to be a magistrate of the Criminal Chamber.

Associations of judges calling for the resignation of Lesmes

The association of Judges, and Judges for Democracy (JJpD) today called for the resignation of the president of the General Council of the Judiciary, Carlos Lesmes, the estimate that the appointment of the new president of the Provincial Audience of Madrid reflects that chooses candidates by “political affinity or friendship”. the

In a press release signed by its spokesperson, JJpD believes that the election of John Paul Gonzalez sends a “message devastating” to the judicial career. the

The appointment of González, he says, represents “a new setback for the image of Justice”, so go back to ask for the resignation of Lesmes and the immediate renewal of the CGPJ, paralyzed after the breaking of the agreement between the PP and the PSOE. | EFE

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