The city of Zamora, with a population estimated somewhat higher than the 60,000 inhabitants, has reached the cumulative incidence of Covid-19 by not registering new cases in the last 14 days, something that had not happened in any of the nine provincial capitals
from the community since the Board of Castilla y León offers the data of this rate by municipalities – Principles of November 2020 -, although the situation in the whole of the community seems to aim a rise in the figures of positives since ago
and several days.

This can be observed in the data updated on Monday of the epidemiological situation by Coronavirus in Castilla y León, in which it is seen that while Zamora Capital presents a zero-cases rate per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, the set of the
Community is 35, three points more than last Friday and increasing since Thursday, which represents the series of days with a broader increase (five days) since the middle of last July.

With that figure of zero cases, Zamora has become the first capital of the community to reach that level so low in the last year.
From the rest of the cities, which presents a lower rate is Leon, with 14 cases per 100,000;
Followed by Valladolid, with 22 and Burgos, with 23.

Above 25 cases and, therefore, at risk level 1 (low) are Palencia, with 27;
Segovia, with 36;
Soria, with 40 and Salamanca, with 49;
While Ávila, with 67 cases per 100,000 stands at risk 2 (medium).

There are also more than 160 municipalities of more than 1,000 inhabitants with zero incidence, among which stand out for their size arévalo, the Navas del Marqués and Candeleda (Ávila);
Briviesca and Villarcayo (Burgos);
Astorga, Bembibre, Cacabelos, Villablino and Valencia de Don Juan (León);
Owners and Saldaña (Palencia);
Guijuelo and Peñaranda (Salamanca);
Palazuelos de Eresma (Segovia);
Almazán and Burgo de Osma (Soria);
Aldeamayor, Irish, Medina de Rioseco, Simancas, Tudela de Duero and Zaratan (Valladolid).

Regarding the evolution in the whole community, an increase in cases has been appreciated for several days, which implies that the 14-day accumulated incidence has increased five points with respect to last Thursday (30 cases per 100,000)
, while the rate at 7 days has also increased from 14 to 18 from October 7th.

By provinces, it is observed that the increase focuses mainly on Segovia, where in the last week the 14-day incidence has increased from 72 to 98 cases per 100,000;
In Salamanca, where he has almost doubled as he passed from 23 to 41;
And in Segovia, from 72 to 98.

Meanwhile, the rate has increased slightly in the last week in Valladolid, from 21 to 23;
and in Zamora, from 22 to 24;
and on the contrary drop in Burgos, from 55 to 41;
León, from 24 to 15 – the lowest figure of all the provinces since there are data – and Soria, from 38 to 30.

In any case, it is worth aim that the accumulated incidence of all the provinces, except those of Ávila and Segovia, is at lower levels than those that were given around June 25, before the rebound of the ‘
Quinta wave ‘of the pandemic.

Of course, the Vice President of the Board of Castilla y León, Francisco Igea, has warned this Monday that the incidence will increase throughout this week, something that can be observed in the reproductive number (RT), the average of people who
Each contagious can come to infect and that is maintained above almost continuously for ten days.

This rate is located this Monday at 1.06, although last day 11 it was even higher (1.11).
The provinces of Ávila, Salamanca, Segovia, Soria, Valladolid and Zamora are located above one.