Prince Guillermo has as a norm not to contradict the “sincere wishes” of his grandmother, even when these suppose “crown” as future “queen consort” to one of the people who caused his mother.
The maturity trip that has held the Duke of Cambridge from the moment he met the stepmother of him until he has had to “respect” and “support” the decision of Queen Isabel has not been easy
Neither of the two, nor the Duchess of Cornwall nor the future king, will never forget the circumstances in which they met, but both are aware that aerating the distance between them does not benefit anyone.

This, however, was not always like that.
In 1998, just a year after Lady Di’s death, the Irish Times newspaper reported the circumstances of the first meeting between the two.
It was in the palace of St. James where the first-born young man of barely 16 years appeared without being invited and caught his father with the woman with whom he had deceived his mother for so long before the definitive separation.
The tone of the conversation was such that, at 30 minutes, when the young Guillerm left the place, the first thing that Camilla said was: “You do not know what a good Gin-Tonic”.

Over time, and after a convulsed years, the asperities between them were limited to the point that Guillermo even went to the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla in 2005, and, attending Prince Harry’s statements, it seems that they could even
Get to get a bit of affection.
“To be honest, it has always been very close with us, it is not one of those bad stems. You have to take into account the place it came, and that is why no one should feel sorry for us, but by it,” explained the
Already ex Royal in an interview.
“She is a very beautiful person who has made our father very happy, and that is the most important thing. William and I love her very much.”

Despite those so loving words that he dedicated him in the past, Harry, who has his own war with the institution where he was born, has not yet pronounced the recent announcement on a stretcher.
In addition, and according to other experts surrounding the environment of the British royal house, all this affection may not be more than a pose, because the already known explosive temperament of Prince William and its weakened relationship with his father would still have continus splashing a stretcher in
More than one occasion.

“In the years that followed the wedding of 2005, Camilla has turned on several occasions to his family and friends the hidden side of the ‘charming prince’. ‘The boy has character!’, I would have come to say. The Prince’s wife
Carlos has been horrified on more than one occasion for the way Guillermo has treated her husband in his presence, “explains Robert Lacey in his book The Battle of the Brothers.