‘Convention’ for the climate, was rejected Saturday, June 20, a proposal of reduction of working hours to 28 hours a week, after heated debates. The proposal to “reduce the working time without loss of pay in an objective of simplicity and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions” was rejected by 65% by the 150 members of the Convention.

read also : the climate Convention: a series of proposals in shock that advocate sobriety at all costs

This is the first of the 150 measures subject to the adoption of the members to be rejected. Many stakeholders are worried about the economic consequences of the measure, and the image that adoption would give their work.

heated Debate

“This is completely disconnected of the reality, and it is untenable in the current context. And this discredits totally the convention, it is to give the stick to get beaten. If this is proposed, it will be rejected and it will just be discredited our work,” thus thought Mélanie (in session, the members of the convention are referred to only by their first names).

read also : “The’ Convention ‘for the climate’s going to give birth to a big waste”

“sharing this is beautiful but with the current crisis it is not possible. I’ve worked all my life 50 hours a week, raising only two children. It’s always the same people working less, always the same who work for wages pitiful,” started from his side, Marie-Hélène rejecting the measure. “It is out of mandate relative to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions”, saw his side Lionel, while others abounded : “There should be a ‘convention’ separate on the job.”

“telework before it was a ufo, no one imagined that. But the application of this measure it is not in six months, that is, in ten years, it is necessary to plan and reflect”, said Sylvie to defend the measure. “We can be agree or not agree, but it’s not up to you to say that we are going to have the air of puppets” was Annie. “We wanted to say that the model, and the system does not suit us, then dare”.

The editorial team conseilleLa green copy and a salt of the Convention for the climate”The’ Convention ‘for the climate’s going to give birth to a big waste””Work more” : outcry of the unions after the words of Emmanuel Macron29 commentairessombra do marle 20/06/2020 14:41

For info, on average, a worker German works 29,8 h per week (1362 / (365 – 137 non-working days ) * 5 days per week).
So in the end by basing it on the germans it is not so far away from the 28h… However, if the week has 32h can have meaning ( 4 times 8), that 28h is not optimal (4 times 7), since it does not optimize the productivity on 7am daily (4 + 3).

22VENDEEle 20/06/2020 14:41

Dare… do nothing fuck ? But this is already the case in the finction public and z-assisted or 10 million of penny sisant assets

Super tough 2709le 20/06/2020 14:41

to Damage, the work is not limited to the employment and technological advances should contribute to produce as much in less time. a
A leak before : there will always be more consumers to to find the growth, therefore, increase without end the world’s population. And as usual, a good war will reset the counters to zero….

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