Accuse a reporter of The Sixth of encouraging a group of pro-independence supporters to boycott your conexiónPonen “on target,” the activist who blew the National Anthem before Quim Torra during the DiadaEl rule of law is not intimidated

The platform Council of Europe that promotes the protection of journalism and safety of journalists has launched this Monday a alert after the attack that it suffered from two reporters on the 11th of September while reporting on the acts of the Diada of Catalonia.

Under the title ” Harassment and intimidation of journalists “, the alert came about thanks to the denunciation of the European Federation of Journalists and the International Federation of Journalists, members of the Council of Europe on this platform.

The text claims that “the people not identified intimidated and attacked journalists of TVE and Antena 3 in front of the Catalan Parliament, during a demonstration”.

he Adds that “the attackers launched objects , water and damaged the material of the equipment of TVE” and “yelled, insulted and whistled outside and inside of the Camera” to the two teams, while they exercised their reporting.

The complaint adds that “journalists are suffer the consequences ” the tension in “the political debate between Spain and Catalonia, which has moved to the streets.”

One of the demonstrations of independence , which brought together some 300 people, says the platform, “became a scenario of violence and disorder to police officers and journalists who covered the event”.

The platform now waiting for response of the Spanish Government.

this Is the fifteenth alert that the platform performs on Spain. Nine of them have been resolved.

The Platform of the Council of Europe has launched since 2015 a total of 605 alerts , of which 297 have received a response from the member State concerned.

countries with higher number of alerts are Turkey (122), Russia (69), Ukraine (51), and Azerbaijan (35) .