The custody of one of the daughters of LFI deputies Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière, suspected of anti-Semitic remarks, was lifted on Wednesday evening, her parents said in a statement published Thursday January 18 on X.

Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière explained that the Paris prosecutor’s office had opened “an investigation which led to a search of (their) home on Tuesday”, then to the arrest and placement in police custody of their 21-year-old daughter. Police custody which “ended around 8 p.m., when she was released” on Wednesday, they continued. The “investigations are continuing,” the prosecution indicated to Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The young woman had notably written on “I’m anti-Semitic, I don’t give a damn. I assume… ”, she also said in a video.

“No privileges or privileges”

On October 20 and November 14, underlined the two elected officials of Seine-Saint-Denis, Damien Rieu, far-right activist, had “published on his X account screenshots and a video which he attributed to our daughter.” The couple first wanted to express “with emotion (their) understanding and affection to all the people shocked by reading or listening to the words or expressions that are broadcast in this affair”.

Saying they understood “the interest of the public and the press for (their) family”, the two deputies considered “however essential to make a strict distinction between (them), leading political figures who have obligations of transparency and reporting” and their three children who “must benefit from total protection of their private lives and their physical and moral integrity”.

They said it emerged from conversations with their daughter “that she hates and condemns racism and anti-Semitism.” “However, she is not an activist. She is not a member of La France insoumise. If she was targeted” by Mr. Rieu, “it’s because she is our daughter.” “However,” they continued, “of the expressions attributed to her by Mr. Rieu, she must answer, like any litigant, before the courts. In this regard, it does not enjoy any privileges or privileges. We respect the current procedure.”