The murder of George Floyd (d. 46) has triggered mass protests against racism. Because the history of the United States is burdened by slavery and racial segregation, the tensions between White and Black show today.

Although we have in Switzerland a very different Situation. Nevertheless, members of minorities are snubbed or even attacked. SonntagsBlick Reporter Fabian Eberhard, under the title “let’s Be anti-racist.” five proposals, what can each of us do about it:

1. Racism perceive.

2. Our privilege to recognize.

3. Our own Actions behind the questions.

4. Listen to some who have experienced discrimination.

5. Show solidarity – because Silence means consent.

These proposals are wise, well thought-out and constructive.

Unfortunately, the public debate is dominated, currently, exactly to the contrary: half of Switzerland are arguing over the correct name of sweets, name of guest houses, pharmacies, and municipalities, monuments and memorials.

Suddenly, a Statue of Alfred Escher (1819-1882) is highly controversial. As co-founder of SBB, ETH Zurich and Credit Suisse, he enjoys hero status, but his family has made a portion of their assets, with coffee plantations in Cuba. This was certainly not very Christian. Only: How useful it is, if we judge the personalities of the past with the values of today?

Suddenly, Hasan Güven (37) under pressure, the host from the “Moors” in Willisau, LU, because he does not like to change the name of his Inn. Who could know better than the Turkish host, when he says that “racism originates in the heart and not because of a word”?

Suddenly, the moor heads of the company Dubler are in the cross-fire as decades ago. This time because of the head-free response to the Migros on the Tweet to a customer. You wrote: “I ask you to take this product immediately out of your range! This expression is extremely racist and does not correspond to the Political Correctness.” Promptly exiled to the wholesale distributor Dubler products from his range! Volg and Spar think of similar steps. You really had a Problem with moor’s heads, you could have long-acting. Why – if not out of pure opportunism – a bend now, the slightest Shitstürmchen?

Because anyone who thinks the consumption of a moor’s head today to people with black skin color, especially since the original meaning of the word “moor” referred to the Moors, the inhabitants of Mauritania, Morocco, or Algeria?

of Course, the so much-debated Sweetness can easily be in the “chocolate kiss”, “Choco-Flan”, “foam kiss” or something to rename. In the vernacular we will call you to continue the “moor’s head”.

it is Really problematic something quite different: in a globalized world, the urgent need to combat racism leads itself ad absurdum, if it is directed against desserts instead of against the violation of human rights.