almost anyone is familiar with Anne Frank. Many have read her diary. Most of you know, she comes from Frankfurt. For all sorts of occasions, the city of its “world’s greatest daughter boasts”. And yet is not, of course, what Anne Frank, the – would not have been the Nazis, they murdered could have been in these days to 91 years, with their birth city connects. The largest part of their Childhood and youth, the Jewish girl spent in exile in Amsterdam, her diary she wrote in Dutch. Only in the kindergarten age she had been when her family had to leave Frankfurt. The Nazi party had won in March 1933, at the election of the majority, in consequence of it came to Jew-rallies. Anne’s father, Otto Frank realized that his daughters were not able to grow up in the city on the Main for sure.

Matthias Trautsch

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Anne had to leave their birth city, because this has not shown her “in the darkest hour of their history worthy,” said mayor Uwe Becker (CDU) on Monday in a message of greeting to a panel discussion, in the course of which there is still more to the relation between Anne and Frankfurt should go. The organizer, the “Monday society”, was invited to and actually did Anne Frank this evening as the “Frankfurt legend” award. Fortunately, it was but noticed in time that such a title may fit, successful athletes or entrepreneurs, but in the context of the Nazis murdered girl was quite out of place could act.

the highlight of The Evening, for the law firm of Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein introduced their spaces available, so the Transfer of three portraits at the Jewish Museum. They come from the Frankfurt-based artist Mike Kuhlmann, who took the famous photo of Anne Frank from the year 1941 to the template.