Controversies apart, when José María Cano (63) decided to depart pears with Mecano in 1998, a new world full of riches opened for him.
But not only in the economic, but also in the pictorial, the spiritual and the affective.
Little given to appear on the pages of heart, the artist is news because Journalist Joana Bonet has revealed in the biography of Carmen Chacón entitled Chacón.
The woman I can govern, which she maintained a relationship with the socialist deputy and first vice president of the Congress of the Members in 2006.

José María is cautious as to love.
The sour divorce of the stewardess Marta Gómez with whom he had to his son Daniel (26) made him dust.
They battled at the custody and he had to take charge of the bulky minute of the Ex de Him’s attorney, Fiona Shackleton, who in the past defended Carlos from England or Paul McCarnety.
His priority is his only stem of him, whom he was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome -type of autism – and that he was the real reason why he left Mecano.
For his life he later passed Cristina Piaget, Eva Zaldívar or Marisa Jara.
The discreet private life of Him makes an endless secrets accumulate that LOC has attempted to reveal as much as possible.

With the benefits obtained by the sale of more than 25 million discs with Mecano, José María invested in works by Basquiat, Warhol, Bacon, Barceló or Saura at prices that have nothing to do with current astronomical figures.
Although he got rid of some to pay the debts that caused him the Luna opera, others served him to invest in brick.
In addition, the skills of him as a plastic artist are quoted very well among the collectors arriving to sell the portrait Jack Ma (founder of Alibaba) for 388,000 euros and the founder of Apple ‘Steve Jobs II’ for 350,000 euros.
At first, the works of him were quoted about about 50,000 euros.

The artist is a free bird, although it has three impressive nests in three different countries.
In Lisbon he bought in 2017 for 3.5 million euros the Palace of the 17th century San Vicente da Fora in the neighborhood of Graça that has little more than 2,000 square meters of gardens and 850 square meters built.
In this impressive place where the pantheon of the Braganza is located has been the host of illustrious surnames such as Cisneros, Luca de Tena, Fournier, Getty and Fluxà.

It could be said that where it happens more time is in its fortress next to the sea of 3,000 meters of the seventeenth century in the Maltese municipality of Vittoriosa, where its workshop is located.
There he is isolated and takes refuge, almost nobody knows who he is and moves like a fish in the water.
It also has an exclusive property of five floors in Holland Park, a distinguished area west of London in which the Beckham or Elton John also lived, who bought him to the former Grupo Duran Duran who was in economic trouble in 1993. He has
His own music studio from where he has composed for Julio Iglesias or Montserrat Caballé.