Pleased, although already without espadrilles, he listened to Pedro Sánchez this morning as the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Limen, was discharged into compliance towards his government.
The first stood out the “speed” when it comes to creating a host and host and distribution center for Afghan citizens at the Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base (Madrid), “a sign of dignity and that the European Union bases its values in
Respect for human rights. ”
The second, on the other hand, commented looking at Sánchez that “Spain is an example of the soul of Europe in the best expression of it.”
All three were on the same line.

Together they had visited the already mentioned Hub, which has capacity for about 800 people.
In them they will be installed the newcomers of Kabul, both in tents with capacity for 400 people, where women and children overlap, as in two pavilions with bunk beds and a capacity of 200 people per space, where males will rest.

During the next few days, and as the Spanish president exposed, “Afghan collaborators will go and leave and,” logically, refugees that ask for asylum in our country. ”
At the moment a total of 192 Afghans are welcomed on this air base, which will become more than 300 before the day is over.
They have become 237, but the first marches have already occurred, specifically 19 people to Germany, six to Lithuania and “Sánmark”, as Sánchez indicated during the intervention.

Other Afghan collaborators, together with their families, have been destined for NGOs that will be responsible for serving them and lend them legal, social and care support during the first months of their stay in Spain, while processing the roles with the Ministry of the Interior.

At the base of Torrejón, they can only be a maximum of 72 hours, something that the Spanish president wanted to highlight to put into value “the cooperation and coordination we are having thanks to the European External Action Service and the rest of the Member States”: ”
Everyone is assuming their share of responsibility in this challenge, demonstrating unity and solidarity since the EU responds in good times and bad times. ”

For the collation of these words, Ursula von der Líen has urged all countries, mainly to Europeans, to welcome Afghan refugees and ensured that the Member States of the European Union will have the financial support of Europe.
“I call on all the countries that participated in the missions in Afghanistan to grant enough reception fees so that we can come collectively into the help of those who need protection,” said the Chairperson of the European Commission.

After the six of this afternoon, a new plane that transported external action service staff from the European Union landed on the air base.
Later, at nine o’clock, another A400m with 110 citizens, among Afghan collaborators and “some Americans”, as Sánchez said, after the United States ruled out to mention Spain as a fundamental “partner” in the evacuation plan of
The Americans of Kabul.

Although not only has the socialist government been questioned outside our borders.
The deputy of CS in Congress, Miguel Gutiérrez, accused Sánchez to “put a medal” with Hub of Torrejón and has demanded that he organize a visit from the congressional spokesmen to check first hand how this space works.
“If you really want to understand that this is a matter of state should favor a visit to see what refugee conditions are, it is not a sense of state to arrive the last and want to put on the first,” Gutiérrez has assured.