Forensic doctors have assured that the councilor of IU de Llanes Javier Ardines died by a shock caused by an intracranial hemorrhage after being hit with an intensity in the head with a forceful object and then strangled.

The forensics who attended the parish of Belmonte de Pría (Llanes) to raise the corpse have declared this Tuesday at the Oviedo hearing at the trial with Popular Juro that is followed against Pedro N.a, as alleged inductor;
Maamar K. and Djilali B, as assumptions assumptions;
And Jesus M., indicated as an intermediary.

The autopsy allowed fixing the death of Ardines, which did not occur on the spot, over 6:30 am on August 16, 2018, have ratified the forensics, who have added that “from the medical point of view” can not be
Precise how many people intervened in aggression.

In addition, they have nuanced that although they do not know if the person or people attacked him could know if he was alive once they fled from the place, at least he should be aware that they had caused him “great harm”.

Forensics believe that you will be attacked from behind when you were standing by a skillful aggressor, which would have been an intense blow with an object “with an important mass” and without edges.

Next, the Edil, when it was still alive, would have been suffocated by the choke action known as “elbow prey”.

Ardines had defense lesions on the right forearm, which could indicate that he tried to defend himself.

In his statement they have also corroborated that the clothing and extremities of the victim had a spicy smell and an orange oily color, which could correspond to the pepper spray cans used, according to the researchers, in the ambush to the Edil.

The accusations, which ask for an individual penalty of 25 years in prison for each of the defendants, maintain that Pedro Na, personal friend of the EDIL, called the plan to end the life of Ardines after discovering, in December 2017, that
His wife and councilor maintained a secret relationship.

According to both the Prosecutor’s Office and the private accusation, it was in July 2018 when Pedro Na, resident in Amabieta (Vizcaya), made the decision to execute his saber plan that his wife would spend the summer in a family home next to the Ardines
And for that he contacted Jesus M. to seek people who could act as assignments in exchange for money.

After studying the routine movements of the council, the two accused as assassins, Djilali B. and Maamar K., they would have moved to Belmonte de Pría to execute the crime and, after a first failed attempt at dawn of August 1, both
They tried for the second time two weeks later.

According to the accusations, at dawn on August 16, the Sicarios placed work fences to prevent the passage from Javier Ardines vehicle and when he got off to remove them, both attacked him, first with a pepper spray and then hit his head
With a stick or a baseball bat and strangled him to kill him.