The radicals of Alsasua stuck in his march against the Guard CivilLa National court refuses to prohibit the act that humiliates the Civil Guard in Alsasua

Each year since 2010 in Alsasua celebrate the “Ospa Eguna” (day of goodbye), directed to request the departure of the Civil Guard of Navarra. In the Basque Country also held events with the same claim as the “Alde Hemendik” in Oñate (Guipúzcoa). Popular festivals in which it happen the offenses to this Body the State, and even performed “shooting games in which the target is a member of the Worthy or the King,” says ABC president of the Foundation Villacisneros, Iñigo Gómez-Pineda.

“Abochornados to the impunity with which he humbles the Civil Guard and disappointed by the inaction of the Government”, from the Foundation Villacisneros have launched a manifesto of support and recognition of the Armed Institute through the platform that, at the close of this edition, seeking more than 19,000 signatures.

they Have two clear objectives: ending the grievance to the Meritorious and that the Executive perform in 2019 “a great act of national tribute to the Forces and Bodies of Security of the State” in appreciation for his struggle to achieve success the dissolution of ETA.

In the paper, remind us that the terrorist organization took the lives of 230 civil guards since that occurred the first murder of José Pardines in 1968 and up until 2009, with the last attack to Carlos Sáenz de Tejada and Diego Salvá.

“The Guardia Civil is an institution that embodies the best values of the Spanish society: the heroism, professionalism, duty and sacrifice. We believe that it was time to defend them,” underlines Gómez-Pineda.

“Full of hatred”

The president of the Foundation Villacisneros criticizes the conditions of harassment faced by members of the Institute assembled in the peoples navarre and the basque country. Thus, he explains that the barracks in Alsasua has become a “ghetto” for the civil guards and their families , who live surrounded by “a concrete wall of three metres, over a fence over and shielded windows”. It also refers to how the children of the agents have to play within the enclosure for safety.

“When there is a situation of risk, a flood, a traffic problem or a theft, the call for us to defend. But if you go two civil guards with their wives or girlfriends to take a beer at a bar, appear fifty energúmenos filled with hate to hit them and even to them,” says Gómez-Pineda.

For the president of the Foundation of these acts of contempt are a result of the education received in schools, where ensures that it encourages the hatred of the Civil Guard. “It’s one more way to hate Spain, but believe that it is the enemy. It is a step towards independence”, he argues. Protest also for the impunity enjoyed by the attendees at these concentrations : “If you are going in Caceres insulting a civil guard, he is put in jail. Why in the Basque Country do not?”.