The Council of Ministers has approved the endowment of 1,000 million euros on the Autonomous Communities on Tuesday to promote the transformation of mobility systems in cities in a sustainable manner.
The objective is to advance in the decarbonization of urban transport.

These are budgetary credits in favor of the Autonomous Communities and the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the financing of mobility actions, within the framework of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan, for a total amount of 1,010 million euros.
The distribution will be negotiated with the autonomies at a conference that will be held at the beginning of November.

Sánchez has detailed that 900 million will be allocated this year to “contribute” to the establishment of low emission areas in metropolitan environments, and for the digital and sustainable transformation of public transport.
Sánchez has detailed that communities must allocate these funds to prioritize collective transport, improve their accessibility, build dissuasive parking, promote digital sustainability of stations and create cyclist or pedestrian itineraries.

“We pursued to promote real projects with land milestones that are truly transformers in our country,” Sánchez argued, who insisted that “a large part” of carbon dioxide emissions come from urban mobility in large cities.
“We want to disbalance mobility, digitize transportation, improve air quality and mitigate gas emissions,” she concluded.

The Government will allocate another 47.5 million to the Autonomous Communities during this year for the digitalization of autonomous transport.
Among the measures collected under this concept, Sánchez aimed at the realization of actions that reperfect on the transformation of administrative services and communities management systems.
Transfers will be completed by 2022 with additional 60 million that will also be intended for this last game.

The Minister of Transport and Mobility, Raquel Sánchez, has also announced that the Government works in a campaign for the promotion of public transport, as a safe and profitable medium, in time and economy, thanks to the application of the most innovative and sustainable technology.

Regarding the tolls of the highways, the minister has said that its introduction will be made with “dialogue and consensus” with the autonomous communities and will be announced “in the coming months”.
She has remembered that there is a commitment to Brussels to start up in 2024.