February 14, Valentine’s Day.
“Do you know what I really loved me today?
They have been charged @CentRodramatico “.
The Tit belongs to Carolina Africa, Calderón de la Barca Award, and director and dramaturga of the Pitagon Notebook, a work that is represented until February 20 at the National Dramatic Center.

The tuberous lament for the delays in the payments of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAM), actors that, currently, interpret works in the National Classical Theater Company, such as Irene Serrano or Israel Elejalde.

“Same situation in the real feigned. The @inaem_cultura and its production centers mistreat their artists in this way that is already lengthened too long,” wrote the protagonist of parallel mothers and member of the Kamikaze company.
“After more than two and a half months working, we have only charged 600 euros at the moment,” piped through the part of his Serrano.

That “abuse” of INAM has already become a recurrent complaint of the scenic sector before an institution that manages the main production and exhibition units of the State and depends on the proper functioning of the Performing Arts in Spain, especially beaten by the
Those responsible for the INAEM, dependent on the Ministry of Culture, have been promising for years by promising reforms that ending the structural problems of this entity without the time for the time being reached any solution.

On the contrary, the INAEM, led by Amaya de Miguel since 2018, when Pedro Sánchez came to power (both are intimate since Amaya de Miguel and her husband, the former Socialist Minister Carlos Westendorp, welcomed him in his house in New York when
This was a student), it has become one of the hot potatoes of Minister Miquel Iceta, since this institution is the one that must manage and distribute the European funds between the sector.

By 2022, there are more than 70 million euros in aid and grants and, both inside and outside the INAM, is doubtful the ability of the Amaya team of Miguel to deal with this challenge.
“They are on the verge of the collapse, it is an institution that has reached its limit,” has a former worker of the INAEM.
“The volume of work does not stop climbing and in recent months the template has been reduced by retirement and low-anxiety. Officials do not endure more. It is charged more and less in other ministries.”

To this challenge in the management is added that the INAEM has suffered during this season a strike of technicians who has boycotted the premieres in its main centers: the National Dramatic Center, the National Classic Theater Company and the Teatro de la Zarzuela.
More than 70 functions have been canceled in the last 7 months.
Both international premieres and great lyrical assemblies have been annulled.
Especially, painful is the situation that affected the national ballet of Spain: in December they had to present 11 performances of the spectacle invocation at the Teatro de la Zarzuela, there was great expectation and there was all the paper sold.
However, the strike of technicians caused only 2 representations, with the consequent loss of box office.
After seven months of negotiations by the Amaya team of Miguel, on Thursday, February 10, the last unemployment took place and the situation still seems far from solving.

The tension that is lived in the INAEM has been charged its first victim two weeks ago.
Fernando Cerón resigned as a general subdirector of theater before the difficulties he was to carry out his work.
In a public farewell letter, he wrote the following: “We have lived at a time when public administration is worriedly precarious in its human resources and with a very bureaucratized way of working that make work take in very adverse conditions that make it impossible
That unavoidable challenges of the future of the sector “.

The march of Cerón, a man very linked to the INAEM since he has occupied the sub-director position with different general directors, has caused some discomfort among the profession.
The Spanish network of theaters, which brings together more than 1000 public exhibit spaces, has issued a statement saying that Cerón was a “irreplaceable. And more at this time to transform and drive forward to a whole sector. (..
.) Changes are indispensable in the administration that make possible the work and achievement of objectives. ”

Thus, the sector expects the institution that Comanda Amaya by Miguel Moves tab.
For the time being, the analysis of the deficiencies of INAEM is more evident than the solutions proposed by the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta.
Time is against you.