The cumulative incidence (IA) of the Coronavirus continues descending.
This Friday is already at 48.18 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, after a drop of 74 tenths in the last 24 hours.
This means that Spain is at low risk.
However, the number of contagions has not decreased this time: they are 2,309 new cases, 502 more than those that were reported yesterday.
The same happens today with mortality, which has increased slightly.
Health has notified this Friday 77 new deaths, 29 more than seven days ago and 54 more than yesterday.
Thus, according to the Ministry, the 86,700 killed by Covid has already been exceeded in Spain since the pandemic (86,778) began.
By communities, the most affected territories are Melilla, with an AI of 90.73;
Cantabria (77,71), Catalonia (77,57) and Aragon (70,93).
On the contrary, the most unknown are Asturias (14,82), Galicia (17.95), Castilla y León (33.65) and Andalusia and La Rioja with the same incidence (34,7).
By ages, the group now more affected is less than 11 years, unique without vaccining.
However, your IA (78.99) has also dropped more than three points on the last day.
The following population groups in incidence are between 30 and 39 years (51.2) and that of 40-49 (50.99).
Since the hospitals arrive now news rather bitteries.
The global occupation rises a little up to 1.75%, with 48 admitted more than the previous day.
However, in UCI the percentage does decrease, standing at 6% (550 Covid patients are entered into a serious state, one less than Thursday).
With these data, something similar happens that with the incidence 7 and 14 days, since according to the global occupation of beds in hospitals, being less than two, Spain would already be a country in the so-called new normality, but if it is observed
The occupation in UCI, being even greater than 5, would indicate that Spain is still a country with low risk.
Communities with greater pressure by Coronavirus in the ICU remain Madrid (11.46%), Basque Country (9.33%), Catalonia (9.31%) and Balearic Islands (7.9%).
On the opposite side, the most unknown are Ceuta and Melilla, without entering UCI, Galicia (0.93%), Extremadura (1.6%), Murcia (1.69%) and Asturias (2.1%).
As always, we remember that these data only reflect the occupation of beds for Covid patients.
To calculate the actual occupation, those patients who are entered by other pathologies and surgeries would be added.
The European countries most affected by the virus are the United Kingdom, with an incidence of 721;
Romania (681) and Turkey (481,5).
The countries with the lowest data are Poland (42,4), Spain (48,18) and Italy (70.2).