The statements by the Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, this Thursday on the form of election of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) have caused the reaction of judicial associations.
They are “alarming and irresponsible”, according to the Release of Judicial Laasociation Francisco de Vitoria, second on behalf.

Bolaños rejected that part of the 20 members of the Council are elected directly by the judges, as the associations claim.
That is not possible, according to the minister, because in a “full democracy” as the Spanish, “nor the judges can choose the judges, nor politicians can choose politicians.”

The Francisco de Vitoria Association “regrets that the new minister ignores that the European Commission and the Council of Europe have been reclaming Spain for almost eight years to change the System of Choice of CGPJ so that the Governing Body of Spanish Judges does not depend
Unique and exclusively of political parties “.

“It is surprising and regrettable,” the Association continues, “that the Minister of a Member State of the EU publicly says that the European institutions themselves have been asking that same country to do something that is not fully democratic, which is of
An alarming gravity “.

According to the spokesman of the Association, Jorge Fernández Vaquero, “It’s hard to understand that someone who supposedly believes in judicial independence and the separation of powers can defend a system of choice of CGPJ as the current one if it is not because it takes advantage of the partisan duopoly in the
who have converted him PSOE and PP, but and to say that it is not democratic to try to correct that anomaly is an alarming irresponsibility and ignorance, and even more when he says nothing less than the same minister to which the government has commissioned a problem so important
And urgent: With those bolan approaches, the situation of the CGPJ can only go worse. ”

The Association has published another message with TUITS screen catches that both the PSOE and the Government President, Pedro Sánchez, did in December 2014, in which they asked for the depolitization of CGPJ.

“He says the minister who is not democratic what his party rightly proposed and the current president about the #cgpj when the European Union began to claim Spain that is now the Minister Tilda of antidemocratic”, he has underlined.

For its part, the Catalan section of the Professional Association of the Magistracy (APM), majority in the race, disseminated this message in the networks in response to the declarations of Bolaños: “Unfortunately they continue to conceive the CGPJ as a cake that can not leave
to share ”

The Association uses the plural because in criticisms include the PP, which kept the system by being in power by which the 20 vowels of the CGPJ must go through the cutter filter.

In its extensive communiqué, the Francisco de Vitoria Association expressly mentions the PP.
“He also ignores the minister that this was what for years, all the judicial associations of our country for years, who already in 2014 were united to claim the Government of Rajoy that would discipitate that system, which the PP did not do when he could do it and
Nor in recent years already with the current direction, which during this same legislature has been about several times to spread it again with the PSOE. ”