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Every effort has its rewards and Christian Yellow, a young argentine of 26 years, has it clear. The letter that he wrote thanking his parents for the sacrifices made so that I could graduate has viralizado in social networks.

now a chemical engineer ensures that before becoming a professional had to be many other things and recognizes every little contribution of those who crossed his path. Acquaintances, colleagues, friends, family…, a sum of the efforts thanks to which he managed to get each of their challenges.

I Am the bag of bread with jam that gave me the gatekeepers at the end of the school to take me to my house. I am the neighborhood club that allowed me to train basketball for 11 years without charge membership fees and pagándome the transport so that he could go to the parties. I am also the football boots 5 that was used by a child to play for have no other shoes”, with these few lines, begin the text of appreciation that the young girl posted in her profile of Facebook.

But without a doubt, one of the most excited users is that the young man dedicated to his parents. “I’m 30 miles on the bicycle that was my old every day to go to two jobs for a few crumbs of bread. I am the back pain that he feels today for the nights for having to continue working despite his herniated disc, and am also cramping. I am the invention of my mom for a white rice out of the dish more delicious in the world. I am concerned when small came home late, and also your occupation to continue studying as they grew up.

I Am the hunger that they spent many times the two so that I and my brethren ate the little food they had”.

The love of parents for their children has no boundaries, and the words with which this young man appreciates every effort made by his parents is the proof of it. Moonlighting, sleepless nights, pain, hunger, sacrifice… The high price to pay for their own choice for bringing your child a better future.

To be “licensed”, I first had to be all of those things . That’s why today I enjoy a lot to be, because it is very difficult to reach, and because to me particularly has cost me a lot,” says Yellow in these lines he took pride in the hard path it has followed and that has led to him being the person he is today.

“come to be, because I’m ready,” concludes.

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