“Next Tuesday I have a new meeting with Angel Luis. Do you have something concrete that interests you?”.
This is one of the messages detected in the research of the Civil Guard on acts of reception to prisoners, which has ended up uncovering contacts between the government and the terrorist band environment ETA to treat the approaches and release.

Decidised messages in Kabat operation indicate that prison information is transferred from the Ministry of the Interior and, in the opposite direction, requests are received.
“Hala, to pass the list of priorities,” reads in one of the messages.

A key figures in contacts is the Secretary General of Penitentiary Institutions, Ángel Luis Ortiz, in the position since 2018, with the appointment of Fernando Grande-Marlaska as Minister of the Interior.
On the side of the band, the main piece is the historic Etarra Antonio López Ruiz, ‘Kubati’, arrested in 2020 in the open cause by a complaint of dignity and justice as alleged coordinator of the NGO Etori.
WhatsApp talks analyzed in the report of the Armed Institute were extracted from it.

Between Ortiz and Kubati, two figures appear.
In particular, that of the former Council of Justice Vasco Joseba Azkarraga, one of the maximum responsible for Sare, the support network of ETA prisoners.
According to the report, it is Azcarraga who maintains meetings with “El de Madrid”, in reference to Ortiz.
In the preparation of the meetings, Kubati participates, which then receives the part of how they have gone.
The fourth piece in the contacts is the deputy of Bildu in the Basque Parliament Julen Arzuaga.

“It has been known,” says the report, “Joseba Azcarraga maintains frequent contact with some person responsible for penitentiary institutions (IIPP), in numerous Joseba messages refers to this person as ‘El de Madrid’, with which he contacts so much telephone
As personally through meetings when traveling to Madrid, Antonio López Ruiz [‘Kubati’] is aware of all the information he receives from this individual. ”

The report sent to the national audience, from which the confidential reported on Wednesday, includes the message sent in April 2019 by Azkarraga to the deputy of Bildu.
He re-sent him to the chat named “our framework”, in which Kubati, also Etarras Jorge García Sertucha and Carlos Saez de Eguilaz and the lawyer of Etharas Chema Matanzas.
“Next Tuesday I have a new meeting with Angel Luis [Ortiz]. Do you have something concrete that interests you?”, Write Azkarraga.
The politician of Bildu, when sending it to chat with the former prisoners, he adds: “Hala, to pass the list of priorities.”

And they pass it.
Saez de Eguilaz and Sertucha “send several messages with priority lists, consisting of movements of various prisoners of ETA from one penitentiary center to another, so that none is left alone and so that they can be closer to the family when they go to visit them
“He explains in Report.
Messages with priorities pose, for example, “Ainhoa Garcia meets Oier Urrutia in Villabona. And Karmelo Lauzirika with Marta Izagirre in Logroño”, “Fiti to Burgos with Timimeno”;
“And the permission of Sebas Etxaniz …”.

Two days after the meeting in Madrid, the report continues, Kubati receives the message of Deputy Arzuaga: “To see, I have the minutes of the meeting that Joseba Azkarraga” / “I say it here openly?”
/ “U do I do it know more discreetly?”
Kubati answers: “Discreetly better”.

The report collects a message from the person responsible for penitentiary institutions to the deputy of Bildu.
“Dear Julen,” begins, “on Friday, February 22, from this General Secretariat, it has been agreed to refer the Penitentiary Surveillance Court [….] as approved by the Court, the intern Aitzol Gogorza will be transferred
To the Hospital de Donostia-San Sebastián. I take this opportunity to send you a cordial greeting. Ángel Luis Ortiz González “.
There is a record of the message because Arzuaga re-sent it to Kubati.

The report also includes that in May 2019 the deputy of Bildu shares with Kubati and the rest of the group the draft of a “gratitude” message to Ortiz for the progression of the grade of the Zigor Orbe, next to the request that soon
He approaches the Basque Country.
The deputy Abertzale asks the rest of the group the approval for the message, and gets it.

The message sent is closed like this: “Maybe the electoral environment is not the most suitable, but we would very positively appreciate the movement of Orb, in the logic of other movements that you have already done.”