the top of The Hanauer CDU has selected a candidate for the election of the mayor in March. The party’s Executive Board proposes to the 34-year-old city councillor Jens Böhringer. The decision on the selection of the candidates should fall in October, then a party is provided for the nomination by the base. Thus, Böhringer is the Challenger for Lord mayor Claus Kaminsky (SPD), wants to compete after three terms in office up for re-election.

Jan Schiefenhövel

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The CDU candidate belongs to the meeting of the town Council since the local election in 2016, the Council in the district of Steinheim since 2011. In the city Assembly decreed in the school, family and sports make up his main themes. In the Young Union, he joined the age of 16, and was later its Deputy Chairman. Also in the CDU, he became an early party offices, he was 2009 Chairman of the CDU stone home.

Heavily rooted in the city

Böhringer comes from Hanau, Germany. After the Abitur at the Karl-Rehbein-Schule, a training as an industrial clerk at the Hanau industry Heraeus followed. After a career-accompanying studies of business Economics of the stone is now in the precious metal firm in a senior Position in the distribution. The father of two children, stressed in his presentation on Friday how much he was rooted in life in the city and in the club, in the football club in Steinheim or Hanau section of the Alpine club.

The candidate said his chances against the long-time mayor, he can see not as bad as many thought. With criticism of the incumbent, the CDU-man held back, he expressed in the opposite respect. Kaminsky’ve done a good job. The SPD politician belong to the best in his field, and in the Sport he wanted to always compete with the Best. After 17 years with the same town hall boss it is now time for a change of scenery, time for “a new momentum” and a new style of leadership.

Böhringer promises an Expansion of the social infrastructure. The city had grown in the past few years with new residential areas quickly, the citizens would have to be enough day-care centres and old people’s homes to be supplied. Currently, there is a pent-up demand only in the supply of care facilities for children, but also in the greening and beautification of public places. The city has much to offer, an active club life, two rivers, and many beautiful historic buildings. “The Hanauer must be proud of your city”, which should also provide the new residents feel at home, said Boehringer.