in Spite of the global Corona with the crisis, China has increased Exportim July unexpectedly strong. The Ausfuhrder’s second-largest economy in the world legteim compared to the same month last year to 7.2 percent, as the Beijing customs administration reported on Friday. Slightly weaker imports, however, fell, with a contraction of 1.4 percent.

the bottom line of the foreign trade grew 3.4 percent to a value of around 413 billion dollars (well 349 billion euros). Although the shops start to run again, since January, China has expected but still a Minus in the foreign trade, of 4.8 percent compared to the previous year, accept it.

In December, the first cases of the Coronavirus in China, had been discovered. The most populous country in the world, restrained the pandemic with strict measures. Today, there are hardly any new infections, so that the life and the economy will return to normal.

“we expect to clear the steps of the opening up of the market”

made That it goes slowly up again, in July, the growth figures: In the second quarter, the Chinese economy had grown by 3.2 percent compared to the previous year. Because of the Corona pandemic, China had experienced a historical decline of 6.8 percent. Finally, the mood in the Chinese industry had attracted companies according to surveys, but significantly.

“The stabilization of China’s foreign trade provides a major impetus for a recovery of world trade. Of German companies will benefit,“ said Joachim Lang, chief Executive of the Federation of German industry, according to a statement.

However, the world economy was not in accordance with the Corona-slump in the first half of the year, out of the woods yet. China got the first country in the consequences of the pandemic, and to feel and seem as the first economy in the economic valley to have by steps.