The businessman who paid 1.85 million in Garzón accuses him of “not having done the work,”

The National court has rejected on Monday the extradition of the former general venezuelan Hugo Carvajal , claimed by the united States for alleged drug trafficking crimes. The judges of the third section of the Criminal division have agreed in consequence the freedom of the claimed. The self, in which judges give reasons for its decision, will not be released until tomorrow. In his appearance, Carvajal said that it would suffer retaliation in the united States and in Venezuela .

Carvajal had shown his refusal to be extradited to the united States for its view of extradition last week on the grounds that “do not trust in the justice of the united States”. In addition, the former general of venezuela justified its relationship with the FARC, whose links he accuses the justice north american, ensuring that this occurred by order of the exmandatario Hugo Chávez as part of his work as head of the military intelligence of venezuela. Carvajal has behind him a military career of 30 years.

The claimed -whose relevance in the media was raised last February by a video recognized as “president in charge” the opposition leader John Guaidó – is an old acquaintance of the Justice of the U.S. According to the accusations that are years behind him, the old military known as “the Chicken” would have been the figure most central in the plot of drug trafficking put in place by the own Hugo Chávez , and whose activities have been carried out several generals, known as the “cartel of the Suns”. He was arrested in the year 2014 in the Netherlands, and returned to be arrested in the past month of April in our country.

“Carvajal was in charge of the collection of the drugs from the FARC and controlled the entire distribution process to the united States and Europe, and was also engaged in the laundering of money through the oil company PDVSA,” said in the past, sources in Washington at the ABC, arguing that his detention could lead to “uncover the pot of the great money laundering carried out by PDVSA”.

After being arrested in Spain, the old military became available to the judge Alejandro Abascal , the judge of reinforcement of the central court of instruction number 6 of the Audiencia Nacional, to whom he recounted his alleged journey to get out of Venezuela by boat, road from the Dominican Republic, a month after her family fled the country and could be living in Madrid. With this he claimed that he had a settlement that diminished the risk of leakage. The judge ordered, even so, his entrance into the prison.

When he changed his lawyer in Spain, his lawyer disseminated to the media a written statement in which Carvajal stating its willingness to “continue to cooperate in order to promote the transition in Venezuela, with the authorities and the appropriate bodies in order to facilitate, by means of relevant, quality information, accurate and useful to achieve this objective.” According to him, had no information that could link to the government of Nicolas Maduro with Hezbollah and the colombian guerrillas of the FARC and the ELN.

Carvajal showed their dissent with the current regime when he recorded a video in which it recognized the legitimacy of John Guaidó as president of the country and called the rebellion of the army. The former general took the position of head of military intelligence under the command of Nicolas Maduro, to be abandoned months later. With Hugo Chávez, in contrast, was head of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DIM) during a large part of its mandate, between 2004 and 2011.