In the registration for the demonstration, values ​​​​and goals are mentioned that many would probably support: “For peace, freedom, self-determination – against division and extremism,” it says, for example, with a view to a rally that took place on Saturday in the very bourgeois Hamburg district of Niendorf to take place in front of a shopping center. But the Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution sees completely different motives for the organizers. When asked by WELT, it said: “The applicant/organizer is to be assigned to the extremist spectrum of delegitimizers.”

As participants – the organizers stated that they only expect 50 people – people from the milieu of vaccination opponents and corona deniers are also expected, according to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The security authority has been focusing on the extremist phenomenon of “delegitimizers” for about a year. The aim of this group is to make democracy and its representatives despicable, for example members of parliament or employees of state authorities. Their agitation is therefore directed against the democratic constitutional state and representatives of parliamentary democracy. This often happens through systematic insults, suspicions, defamation and disparagement, especially in social networks.

Although there are overlaps with other extremist groups, the structure and objectives of this group are still “extremism sui generis”, i.e. extremism of its own kind announced a march near the Alstertal shopping center on August 13th. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution to WELT: “Nobody has anything against demonstrations, freedom of assembly is and remains a great asset in our democracy. But: Anyone who takes part there stands side by side with enemies of our democracy.”