can Only choose how to die: giving relevance to Vox or surrendering to Cs/PP

Today almost no one remembers that. The PP, always so shy, just incorporate it to your argumentario. The popularAntonio Basagoiti shook the hand of the socialist Patxi López in the House of the People of Bilbao and became lehendakari of the basque population. There were No counterparties, or chalaneos or auctions. The only satisfaction of the PP was to dislodge the nationalists from power. The unimaginable reciprocity of this gesture helps explain what happens to the PSOE, this slow decay. Has finally met the fierce autoprofecía of the Tinell and already has more than what talk with Esquerra that with the PP.

the electorate has been alienated, it does not recognize the socialism nor in Catalonia or Andalusia, or almost in any site. It is a formation kidnapped by the militants, in an act of narcissism fierce, lofty a leader eccentric who never attends to another servitude which his own ambition. The displacement that has led to Pedro Sánchez in the PSOE is such that it causes astonishment to the appeals of his secretary of the Organization, José Luis Ábalos, for the construction of a dam of the constitution that contains the right wing of Vox. If Pedro Sanchez is now the president of Spain is thanks to the votes of all and every one of the deputies who challenge the national sovereignty, which is the root from which flows the Constitution. The complete works of Quim Torra make him a worthy legatee of the austrian Jorg Häider, but their seats non olet. That motion mefistofélica pulverized until the last molecule of moral legitimacy that could fit to censor their opponents rely on the votes of a force extreme to evict a socialist power.

Marine Le Pen was quick to congratulate their émulos Spanish even before the andalusians know the first data of the scrutiny. Perhaps from now on, the heat of success, to be discovered in Vox the edges of orthodox extremists of the european school of Steve Bannon: economic protectionism, europhobia, the criminalization of the immigrant. Nationalism, in order to.

Abascal is in the sweet moment of the populist, the irresponsibility of the emergency, when neither its purity nor its effectiveness has been put to the test by the harsh reality. When it has not yet had to submit to even a single transaction policy. When given as their program is unworkable because it only is asked to be original.

To give you an idea of what is the growth potential of the training it is enough to remember that Vox will participate as prosecution in the trial of more transcendent from the 23-F, the process procés, the event that will keep in suspense the life policy until the opening of the oral hearing and whose decision it will determine everything. For all of this, now the perfect setting for Vox, paradoxically, it would be a repeat election in Andalusia, failed negotiations for the formation of a government, allowed to re-establish themselves as the alternative to fundamentalist to a right phoenicia. Your first decision is taken, and has no risk: you will vote in favor of a change, probably without asking for anything.

The block constitutionalist, even in part, only what could recompose the one who has broken, that is to say, the PSOE, with a vote in Andalusia, freely, or chalaneos or auctions, a president is not a socialist. It would show that the concern of Susana Diaz for the booming ultra is real and not an exaggeration interested. If the PP is already too far to the PSOE, there has to Citizens. This is not even close to a redemption, but at least it’s a penance.

The result outsized Vox has diverted the attention of one of the teachings critical of these elections. The PSOE lost 14 seats, with Susana Díaz, but the voters have not fled Ahead of Andalusia, which lost three. This is not merely a crisis of acronyms but something more profound. Today we Can no longer a threat or an alternative. It is pure melancholy, a party is decrepit, with a leadership of the twilight and unable to lift an abstentionist of your armchair to go on a Sunday either to an electoral college. These elections in Andalusia have been the worst of the story for the PSOE, and if Teresa Rodriguez froze the day before yesterday the smile was because they have also been the most abstention. Pablo Iglesias has proved to be finally a mere refundador of the United Left. The PSOE has survived we Can but it is not likely to survive to Sanchez.

In the vast territory that is opened to the right of the PSOE and to the left of the PP has been installed to its Citizens; a force for secular, healthy moral laxity, pro-european, liberal ma non troppo, pragmatic and antinacionalista. It sounds like it sounded the PSOE when he won elections, and not motions, that the new generation of lastras is obstine in place it to the right of the right.

Citizens living in the farthest place from the lepenes and melenchones, vehicles fed by a fuel that is not the ideology or pragmatism, or even personal interest, but the rage. And this privileged location is what’s frightening, though, to the PSOE and maybe it is away the investiture of John Marin. It would not be sectarianism, this time, what would the operation fail, but the instinct of survival.

normal after an election is that the newspaper chose for its cover the photo of the next president. This time the protagonist of the first pages was Susana Díaz, because the only certainty at the close was that she had been overthrown. Diaz has been granted the macabre privilege of choosing how their own political death: a assisted suicide with the palliative of Citizens, an abstention which leads to Juanma Moreno to San Telmo or grant nacionalpopulismo Vox the triumph that their votes are for the first time decisive. PP and Cs depends on not to have a repetition of the elections, what it would look like a collective suicide.

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