A survey of voting intentions of the basque Government expected to improve its results in Bizkaia, Araba and Gipuzkoa

The PP would exceed Vitoria Gorka Urtaran in votes, but empataría with the nationalists in the number of councillors

The PNV nor suffers from the wear and tear of the management after this legislature nor after his covenant sovereignty with EH Bildu to promote a new Statute sovereignty. The last poll of voting intentions carried out by the basque Government expected that the nationalists will increase the results in 2015 in the three General Meetings and also achieved victories baggy in the municipalities of Bilbao and San Sebastian. At Vitoria, however, the PP remains above in intention of vote of the mayor Gorka Urtaran.

The survey used data collected between 25 September and 6 October ahead of the elections provincial, municipal, and may 2019. According to the analysis carried out by the Cabinet of Surveys in Sociological Lehendakaritza, the PNV will grow evenly in the three General Meetings which will allow you to achieve 41.5% of the votes in the basque country.

Only in Vitoria and the nationalists are a party that may surpass in votes, according to the estimates of the basque Government. The party of Alfonso Alonso would win 24.5% of the votes with 7 councillors for the top of the list of Gorka Urtaran it would come up 21.8% of the ballots with the same number of councillors.

According to the criteria of

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