The controversy by the voting of labor reform still still pounding five days later.
The PP insists that the president of the Congress of the Deputies, Meritxell Batet, has violated the right of his deputy Alberto Home by not allowing him to repeat his erroneous vote, according to the popular, for a computer failure.

For this, from Genoa alludes to the letter referred by the House of the Chamber to allow telematic vote to the parliamentarian.
The document is collected that the vote will be done “in accordance with the terms provided for in Article 82 of the Regulations and resolution of the Chamber of May 21, 2012”.

That point in the Regulation collects that once the telematics vote is issued, the Presidency will “verify by telephone the authorized deputy, before the beginning of the face-to-face vote in the full, the effective issuance of the vote and the meaning of this”.

To that chime is to which the PP grabs in its protest, while since the presidency of the organ they suggest that this process is no longer executed from the pandemic of the Covid-19 by a resolution of the table of March 20, 2020.
She is affirmed that “the personal checking method of the vote” will be “the user’s introduction and password” through the intranet.

That resolution, according to another Agreement on the Table of June 2020, will be maintained until “the completion of the situation of health crisis”.
And last October, a third resolution deepens again in the same as in March 2020: the telematic vote will be verified by user and password.

In addition, parliamentary sources explain that in case of human error, which is the fact that the legal services of the lower house attributed home to not being able to demonstrate the computer, there is no possibility of modifying their vote.
And that in case the call occurs, made banned with the pandemic, the object of it is not to know if it has voted well, but there has not been technical failures.

This Monday, during his trip to Brussels, PPR President, Pablo Marriedo, has not noticed Meritxell Batet that “he has been able to prevar” with the vote and has denounced that “has not given explanations” in these last five
The thesis in which Genoa has been maintained in recent days since the incident occurred: “We have asked for the Congress table and if they do not, we will go to the Constitutional Court,” the popular leader has added.

In fact, that same day, Cuca Gamarra asked the Secretary-General of Congress, Carlos Gutiérez Vicén, the Plenary Act on Thursday because it was “totally false” that the table met to analyze this fact.
That was the justification he used at the end of the session, the president of the Congress to give it over.