The decision of the Swiss Prosecutor’s Office archived the case of the 65 million euros donation from Juan Carlos I to Corinna Larsen has returned to put on the table the desire for the emeritus of returning to Spain, something that has transmitted on several occasions to his
Nearest environment.
Since the PSOE they are unmarked from the situation of the king’s father, they do not veite a possible return, but unload all responsibility at the Royal House, in Felipe VI.

The decision that Don Juan Carlos abandoned Spain was the result of a joint work of the Zarzuela and the Moncloa.
The then first vice president, Carmen Calvo, and the head of the royal house, Jaime Alfonsín, were two of the people who coordinated that operation.
Now, however, when you put on the table a possible return, the socialists get in profile.
They take full responsibility for the decision to the current king.
Avoid veining a return, after the decision of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office and since the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office is also provided to the investigation to the investigation to Juan Carlos I. It is assumed that, with closed judicial investigations, it is complex to deny the return of

“It is a decision that has to take the emeritus and the royal house, which is the one who corresponds to make a decision that is responsible for one of its members,” said Felipe Sicily, spokesman for the PSOE, in an interview in Telecinco.
“It is a decision that does not belong to the government.”

And is that the executive’s strategy happens to try to unmarked the institution of the crown of the opaque business of the emeritus, extolling the work of Felipe VI and unmarking from the decision on a return from Don Juan Carlos.
Pedro Sánchez already exposed two months ago that he does not “correspond” to him to respond to that issue.

A thesis that assembled the executive spokesman on Monday, Isabel Rodríguez: “It is something that the government can not comment. It is a decision from him (Don Juan Carlos) and the current royal house.”

The PSOE stays at a distance studied.
“If the emeritus has to return or is not a decision that corresponds to him and the royal house, we do not go to assess what real house should do or not,” Sicily reflected on Monday after the meeting of the PSOE executive that
Pedro Sánchez presided over.

“It is up to the real house to decide on the members of the royal family, they will be those who decide what is up for the emeritus, about whether it returns or not,” Sicily added.
About if the father of the king must give explanations about him opaque business, from the PSOE they express that it is justice who “has to ask for the relevant explanations”.
An equidistance that contrasts with the manifested only two months ago by Pedro Sánchez, who did explained the position of him about which the emeritus should give explanations to the Spaniards.

The government’s partners question and plague nuances the conclusions of the Swiss Prosecutor’s Office in relation to the King Emeritus who blame – Him and the entire royal family of “obvious corruption”, warn that if Juan Carlos I returns to
Spain must submit like any other citizen to the action of justice and reject from a plan that can receive an assignment because “has stolen public money”.

Even formations such as BNG have opted to end the monarchy as the only way “decent” to put an end to an “anachronism” inherited from the Franco dictatorship.
For JXCAT, Juan Carlos I “has stolen a lot of money from the Catalans” and the only thing he should do is accountable before the courts.

Commitments For his part he has claimed Juan Carlos I who “ask for forgiveness” to the Spaniards.
His spokeswoman in Congress, Joan Baldoví, has insisted that it is a “corrupt king” and has demanded the parties that “whiten” who apologize to citizenship.

ERC considers that there is “an ethics problem”.
The Catalan Republicans are sure that the judicial journey of Juan Carlos I has not finished.
For them it is not admissible that the emeritus receives 65 million of a Saudi monarch and that he conceals it in a fiscal paradise.
His spokesman at Congress, Gabriel Rufián, offers the King return to Spain to “live on a floor of 60 square meters and receive the minimum non-contributory pension.”

The main partner of the government, united can, is the one that has been reacted with the decision of the Swiss prosecutor’s office.
For the purple, this decision does not denies the “serious accusations of corruption” that weigh on Juan Carlos I, well on the contrary, “it puts light on the serious irregularities of it,” for example, that “hid millions of euros to not declare them.”

In his spokesman, Gerardo Pisarello, “No one believes that the 65 million euros delivered by Saudi Arabia were a philanthropic operation.”
The deputy, first secretary of the Congress table, has accused the emeritus of being commissioner in arms operations and infrastructure works.
United we can warn that “come or does not come to Spain for Christmas, nothing exempts him to give explanations for his acts of corruption” and in that sense they say that they are not going to stop “battling” for the emeritus to render accounts.

The PDECAT on its part maintains that only the diligences followed in Switzerland have been solved.
They claim that there is still “moral responsibilities and very clear policies” to which Juan Carlos I must face, for his spokesman at Congress, Ferrán Bel, “The responsibility has already been determined and the Spaniards” and the Emeritus, with his attitude, ”
It has probably damaged irreversible to the crown. ”