The anthill included on Wednesday, October 20 a new delivery of spending the line, section in which Pablo Motos gives his opinion on different topics.
On this occasion, the driver of the format reflected on eternal life and gave advice to the audience.

“I invite you to take a thought and throw forward, to see what it comes out. For example, eternal life, live forever, without fear of death, which is the great fear that accompanies us since we understand that everything closes your eyes
One day and stops breathing, “he said.

“What a wonder to dream that on the other side of the scratch of death there is no more death, that we are going to live eternally in a time without time, with no past, without a future, where it is always present,” he added.

The communicator launched a surprising question.
“Can you imagine something more cruel, more terrible, more inhumane than eternal life? Because, even if you are lucky to fall on the good side, in heaven, think so well. Can you imagine an eternity in the glory without doing
Nothing else? “He proposed.

“What can be done in glory? Nothing can be done because there is everything invented, you can not write anything because everything is written, you can not investigate, there is no doubt or mystery. There is nothing expected nothing”,
He wielded.
“Imagine a whole eternity without doing anything that we are used to doing here: Invent, fantasize, speak badly from others, scold, pity, suffer, cry,” he joked.

“Better not to keep thinking about an eternal life when we are unable to fill 80 or 90 years of good content, we spent half the time bored or reneging,” said Valencian.

Finally, the presenter shared his conclusion with the spectators.
“Life is important and is pretty because it’s over, that’s why we grabbed her with nails and teeth, because we know it’s not forever. Maybe if it were eternal there would be anyone who will hold it. Enjoy, life is short and
He also ends, do not lose time angry, “he summarized.

The Motorcycle Monologue moved some spectators, who shared their opinion on Twitter.
“I love the reflections of Pablo Motos,” a user said.
“Great reflection of Pablo bikes tonight, let’s enjoy life, because it is finite,” added an internet.

However, there was also the one who criticized his message.
“I do not like charlitas, Paul,” he admitted a whitero.
“But what nonsense of reflection is punching Pablo Motos?” He asked another spectator.