Renewable and independent electrical promoters fear that the large cut-off cut to the three large electricity of the country ends up falling on its results account in full government regulatory to contain the rise in light.
They are added to the criticism of consumer associations, who ask for precaution to the vice president of ecological transition, Teresa Ribera, in the reform of the regulated light rate (voluntary price for the small consumer) to prevent the new mechanism to end up damaging
The competition and leaving a high fixed price permanently.

Ribera needs to take out the money that is no longer going to detract from Iberdrola’s income, Endesa and Naturgy to finance the strong descent of the regulated part of the receipt of light approved in September with the aim of compensating the record price of the
Electricity in the wholesale market.
After the step reached with the electrical ones to prevent them from imprisoning the scissors to the industry, their magnifying glass is now placed on renewable facilities that charge the price of the market but then have to adjust it to the regulated profitability of 7.4
These facilities are currently charging a price much higher than this profitability objective, so when the adjustment occurs, the collection right period will be automatically reduced.

However, the team that runs a Ribera considers that at the moment there is no room for conjunctural overrover.
Its solution goes by establishing a fixed price close to 60 euros per megawatt hour for these renewables and that directly supply the domestic customers of the PVPC.
In this way, Ribera would achieve a strong dumping of receipt in full price crisis and would contribute to lowering the IPC before it begins to cause direct damage to the economy.

The proposal has the approval of large electricity and, however, has found resistance in renewable promoters as ACCIONA and others grouped in the EĆ³lean Eordland AEE, which consider the change to reopen the box of thunder of the recent cuts
Applied in Spain on renewables.
“In the end, renewables return to pay the duck. It returns regulatory uncertainty,” they cry in one of the most affected entities that asks anonymity as it is still in a negotiation phase with a riverbank.
The Ministry guarantees that profitability will not be touched, although companies respond that the change will mean an important adjustment in their cash flows and the planning of their treasury.

The great reform of the PVPC undertaken by ecological transition has also found resistance between, curiously, consumer associations.
Facua considers this diary in statements that it is a “more patch” and requests the direct intervention of the tariff to declare vulnerable to the bulk of households before an overcome energy crisis of which they can escape.
In the OCU, on the other hand, they believe that setting the price in cases 60 euros is a risk that when the market goes down after this situation, this reference is over staying very high.

Excluding 2021, the annual cost of energy has only exceeded 60 euros once in the last 13 exercises.
“If the PVPC is at a higher price than the market in the future, customers migrate to liberalized, where we believe that there are still no sufficiently transparent conditions of competition,” explains a spokesman for the Association.

Interestingly and for totally different reasons, the fixation of a price for the PVPC has also aroused the suspicion of the independent electrical marketers of the large energy groups in the country.
These companies consider that if the Government establishes a price of 60 euros per megawatt hour will cause an immediate leakage of consumers at the regulated tariff, whose supply is limited to the giants of the sector.
“The regulated rate should reflect the market prices, which are also the result of an international conjuncture, and and the free competition between marketers will facilitate an affordable price to the consumer, but the marketers should not have to compete with the PVPC,” explains the president
of one of these groups.

Among these companies are medium-sized groups such as Axpo, Fenie, Factor Energy, Nexus, CEPSA or BP.
These companies have asked to arnica to avoid being the great harmful of the adjustment and ask for a riverside not to regulate until they can move their arguments.
In the coming days they will keep a meeting with the ministry, which seeks a consensual agreement with everyone to avoid another step back as the one that has given the cut to the electricity.