The Popular Party calls on the negotiation of the General Budgets of the State for 2022 to reduce the size of the Government in a way that its organic structure only contemplates 12 ministerial portfolios and a vice-presidency.

In this way, it argues in an amendment submitted to State accounts, 108 million euros would be released that would increase the item for family protection and child poverty, corresponding to the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 that leads
Ione Belarra.

The payroll that collects the draft budgets to cover the current government structure amounts to 789 million and the PP advocates, by cutting up portfolios, to place it in no more than 681, that is, the same amount as in 2018, the last exercise of
Mariano Rajoy.

The popular attempting to dismantle what “propaganda” qualifies when the government ensures that their accounts are those of “greater social spending in history”.
Actually, they point out, “the greatest amount goes to pensions and unemployment and barely reinforces the departure of social services and social promotion.”

The PP accuses the executive of “thinking more than in the citizens” by increasing a game that is intended to “place the condemned or imputed friends” of the Minority Partner of the Government.
They put as an example the increase in charges and eventual personnel that, in the case of the Ministry of Equality, has been 32.16% and 30.41%, respectively.

These data contrast, ensure, with the percentage of population in a severa need, which has risen from 4.7% to 7% affecting 3.3 million people.
The PP cites Cáritas to indicate that in 2021 there are 11 million people who are in social exclusion, that is, 2.5 million more than in 2018.

Regarding the rate of child poverty, the amendment alludes to the last study prepared by the High Commissioner to remember that there are 2.3 million children plunged in poverty, so that Spain is already the third country of the EU with a worse indicator in
This land, behind Romania and Bulgaria.
The formula to alleviate this situation, emphasize, goes through “Create employment and download taxes” and not by delivering bonuses “to buy comics or video games”.

In a second amendment, the PP proposes to freeze the salary of the members of the Government, the Secretaries of State, Undersecretarians, General Directors and senior positions of the constitutional bodies.
“It is unacceptable,” affirm, “that the government salary rises when most Spaniards sees their income reduced as a result of the crisis.”
“The Government,” add, “it must be consistent with what requires the Headquarters of the State.”
The game intended for the support of the King’s house remains unchanged at 8.4 million euros.

The PP also proposes keeping the maximum and minimum bases and the types of self-employed quote.
The budgets contemplate an increase in quotas between 96 and 225 euros per year.
The income to be perceived would be compensated by saving the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration of José Luis Escrivá, whose functions would be integrated into a State Secretariat dependent on the Ministry of Labor who directs Yolanda Díaz.