The employer is shaken the pressure that Brussels will not accept reforms like the work that does not carry the seal of the entrepreneurs.
“We prefer that the European money does not come and there are better rules,” said CEOE president, Antonio Garamendi, in a zero wave interview.
“Let it be clear,” he has remained.

The European Commission indicated last Thursday that “the best guarantee” that the government reforms is accurate is that they bring the agreement of “all Spanish economic actors” and Garamendi rejects that that has to force him to accept “reforms as
The work or pension that concerns entrepreneurs more than funds “.

“I would not like to have a brutal pressure to say yes, because if not, money is not going to come, it’s not my problem, it’s not my responsibility,” he said.

He has also ensured that CEOE “will not use” that power position offered by Brussels to negotiate.
“We’re not going to play with this.”

The perspective of an agreement with the employer on labor reform is already impossible at the meeting of this Wednesday before the Government’s proposal on the new ERTE.
“It is impossible for this document to arrive in a good port,” said Garamendi and explained that it is “interventional” and implies “more cost” and “less decision-making capacity for the company”.
He has also been critical with the pension reform that implies rise in social contributions and that has been presented with very little time, “when the government is looking at him for a year.”
He regrets that social security problems have to pay companies.
“It’s as if in a neighborhood community you have to open a spill and just pay it from the fifth and the room.”

For the President of the CEOE, the changes that are proposing from the government and that affect entrepreneurs are “a huge claspyman for the competitiveness of Spanish companies abroad.”
He has listed the burden of the rise of the minimum wage, the increase of contributions, the cost of the energy or that of diesel.