The unexpected crisis of government executed by Pedro Sánchez, both for the moment chosen and by the draft of it, has left a wounds that 48 hours after the red button is activated continue blending.
The traditional day of the transfer of portfolios embodied that there are still no scars.
Evening messages, intentional of ministers and former ministers in the form of darts.
Constataciones that many of the slaughtered nor did they want to leave or expected it.

The departure of José Luis Ábalos, unexpected by all, is one of the issues that still incognites both in the government and in the PSOE.
There was expectation to know how he had already digested the former transport minister the departure of him.
He will also abandon the PSOE Organization Secretariat.
The party respects the times of him and that he is who I communicated him, but he already works without counting on him, with Adriana Lastra assuming “plenipotentiary” powers and leaning on Santos Cerdán.

Ábalos did not mention the president of the Government in his acknowledgments.
Circumstance that caught the attention, especially if it is opposed with another heavy weight of the government and the PSOE that says goodbye: Carmen Calvo.

The former First Vice President focused his farewell in Halagar the figure of Felix Bolaños, his successor at the front of the Ministry of Presidency, but he wanted to have a memory for Sánchez: “I’m going with the infinite gratitude to Pedro Sánchez for having deposited the possibility in me
to live a learning not only political, if not human “.
And she added: “I am grateful and calm.”

Ábalos put the focus not on being part of the Government of Sánchez, but on having served Spain as a minister.
“I have pride, not to be part of the government but to serve Spain,” he said, to finish: “One is the head to hit but without a great team behind there is nothing to do.”

Colder in his goodbye than Calvo, who described his transfer of portfolios such as “the most loving in the history of Spanish politics”.
The former transport minister, Sánchez’s trusted man, who supported him on the journey of him to recover the general secretariat of the PSOE, founded this same Saturday morning that he was out of the Council of Ministers.

It was striking the loneliness of Ábalos in his goodbye.
No member of the previous Council of Ministers or the current one came.
Nor is any psoe weight leader.
Adriana Lastra, Socialist General Deputy Secretary, and Santos Cerdán, Secretary of Territorial Coordination, attended Felix Bolaños in La Moncloa.

But, later, the first came to the Senate to attend the appointment of Ander Gil as a new president of this House, replacing Pilar Llop -New Minister of Justice- and the second came to the taking of possession of the new Foreign Minister, José
Manuel Albares.
Former ministers Salvador Illa and José Blanco were the ones who won Ábalos.

The discomfort, the open wound, was present in more than one transfer of portfolios.
Evident and manifest was at the Headquarters of Territorial Policy, where Miquel Iceta did not walk through the branches: “I feel a lot to leave this ministry, I want to say so of course. Here we have put a lot of illusion, many hours.”
She leaves the position of her to the Manchega Isabel Rodríguez and passes to occupy the culture and sports portfolio.
One of the movements that has caused, even in the Iceta itself.

Nor Isabel Celaá did not want to leave either, according to sources of his surroundings.
She herself gave him yesterday after the transfer of portfolios, by manifesting in a corridor of journalists that “one always likes to finish the works” and emphasize that still “there were many tasks”, reports R. sanmartín

“We had the way traced,” he said, although he was “happy” that his successor, pillar joy, “Be someone from the party”.
The president of the government told her the dismissal on the phone on Saturday because she was in Bilbao.
He did not tell him for who was going to replace her.
The joy itself learned that same day.

Another of the issues that still bleed is the output of Round Ivan, until now Chief of Cabinet of Pedro Sánchez.
On his goodbye there are established contradictory versions: he asked to leave, he asked to be a “Órdo” to be released even an “Órdo”, was Sánchez who offered him to be president … Versions vary according to their environment or to Moncloa and Ferraz.

In the midst of this controversy, which is and minister of the presidency, Felix Bolaños, has taken possession of his position.
One of the executive’s strong men, the manager of the machine room and coordination between ministries, wanted to leave a message in the taking of him: “To be minister should not be requested nor can it be rejected.”

A reflection aloud that many of the attendees in the act interpreted as a ‘dart’ a round.
Since its environment, ensure that it is not a message addressed to anyone concrete, with a specific recipient.
They explain that they were not addressed to Round Ivan, who they want luck in the professional future of it.