The Supreme Court has confirmed the decision of the Central Electoral Board to leave out the electoral debates of Castile and León to Vox for lacking their own parliamentary group in the courts in the legislature that has just ended.

According to legal sources, the Contentious-Administrative Hall has agreed on Thursday that it has not been arranged as a precautionary measure requested by the training of Santiago Abascal to participate in the electoral debates foreseen for the next January 31 and February 9,
For not gathering the conditions required in article 31 bis of the Electoral Law of Castilla y León, 3/1987, of 3 January, that is, not to have their own parliamentary group.

The Fourth Section has also agreed that by the Electoral Administration ensure that the established compensatory measures respond to the principle of “sufficient compensatory information” established at the third point of Instruction 1/2019 of the Electoral Board of Castilla y León.

VOX filed an appeal against the agreement of the Electoral Board of January 20 that confirmed its non-inclusion in electoral debates during the campaign in Castilla y León.

The agency responsible for ensuring neutrality in the elections argued that the Electoral Law of the Region regulates the celebration of electoral debates in “sharp terms” and points out that those parties that have had their own parliamentary group in the courts in
The newly finished legislature.