If you feel you’re entitled to compensation due to the neglect of your doctor or healthcare professional, you shouldn’t try doing it without the guidance of an experienced medical malpractice attorney. What you may think is an open-and-shut case could perhaps be more difficult to prove. On the other hand, if your medical provider is quick to offer you a fast settlement, perhaps they’re not offering you enough to be fairly compensated.

Top 7 Questions To Ask Your Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Before filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, you should consult with a Miami medical malpractice lawyer. Hiring a malpractice attorney is essential for navigating your way through Florida’s malpractice laws. You’ll want to hire a firm that knows what they’re doing and has the legal expertise to do the job right. You’ll most likely have a lot of questions to ask. Here are the most important ones.

Is My Case Worth Fighting?

Regardless of what you think or what your friends have told you, you may or may not have a strong medical malpractice case. A lawyer with solid medical malpractice experience can give you a good indication of what your chances are of winning a lawsuit or being offered a settlement. Your lawyer will help you gather all of the evidence you’ll need to get properly compensated.

What Expertise Do You Have?

Not all personal injury lawyers have the knowledge and in-depth experience to understand the nuances of Florida malpractice law. Ask them how many malpractice cases they’ve handled and how well their clients have been compensated. Also, ask them how many cases they’ve had that are similar to yours.

Was My Doctor Negligent?

A competent Florida medical malpractice lawyer will have the expertise to know if your doctor was negligent and if you have enough evidence to prove so. Your attorney will consult with medical experts before making an informed decision. When filing a malpractice lawsuit, your attorney must prove that your doctor or healthcare professional was negligent and that their negligence directly caused you harm.

How Much Do You Charge for a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?

Most medical malpractice firms work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you won’t have to front any money for them to take on your case. They’ll be paid for their time and services by taking a percentage of whatever compensation you receive. If the firm is asking for upfront money, you may want to consider finding a different lawyer.

Should I Settle Out of Court?

In the state of Florida, the vast majority of medical malpractice lawsuits are settled out of court. This typically happens during the dispute resolution phase before the case goes to a courtroom. It’s common for the defendant to offer a low amount of money at first, so it’s important to hire an experienced lawyer to help you receive the biggest settlement.

How Long Will the Lawsuit Take?

Settling out of court will take much less time than if you go to court, and even the dispute resolution phase can be time-consuming. If both parties cannot agree during the pre-trial negotiations, the time you file your claim to the end of the trial could be anywhere from 2 to 3 years. This is why settlements are often paid out before medical malpractice suits go to trial. Sometimes it’s better for the defendant to make a settlement offer rather than use up time, resources, and money to fight the case.

How Often Will I Receive Updates on My Case?

No one wants to be left in the dark when it comes to a lawsuit. Ask your attorney how often you’ll receive progress updates and how long it will take them to respond if you have additional questions.

Final Thoughts

When hiring a medical malpractice lawyer, transparency is key. They’re working for you to ensure you get the fair compensation that justifies your damages. You’re entitled to know what they’re doing every step of the way. Understanding how their fees work, how strong they feel your case is, and the benefits of settling out of court will help give you the peace of mind needed to heal while knowing that they’re on your side.