“Imagine a consumer more sober, more fair and responsible”: the UFC-que choisir launches this Thursday, an online questionnaire for consumers to formulate their vision of the consumer of tomorrow. Objective: that the grievances formulated to develop a proposal for legislation.

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“This idea has germinated in the beginning of the confinement, in federal office, explained the president of the UFC-que choisir, Alain Bazot, the Parisian. The economy was slowed down, new habits of consumption were being taken. We have therefore launched a call for ideas from all of our commissions.”

Specifically, the consumer must indicate whether it is “very favourable”, “unfavourable” or “unfavourable” to 17 proposals made. Among them, “[should it be] the Nutri-Score mandatory?” or “[does it] create an enforceable right to a quality internet to reduce the digital divide?”. The UFC-que choisir is also proposing to extend the warranty period according to product families, in order to combat planned obsolescence.

the proposal The more committed of this consultation is certainly the creation of a “green award” which would aim to reflect the “true environmental cost of our consumption (manufacturing, transportation, waste, etc.)”. A “green award” which would be, according to UFC-que choisir, the eco-contributions that are included in the price of the products, and the carbon tax. This price would therefore have to aim to reward those companies making an effort, sobriety, and penalizing the other.

Some proposals are much less accurate and quite consensual, as “guaranteeing the quality and humanity of care for dependent elderly people, thanks to a qualified staff and a sufficient number of” or “to promote, through a better information to consumers, short circuits and the devices of direct purchase from local farmers”.

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The consumer must finally indicate the three proposals that it considers “priority” among the 17 that are proposed.

UFC-que choisir wants the proposed law that will be drafted at the conclusion of this process was submitted to the Parliament in the autumn. To do this, it will be necessary that one or several members agree to drop it.

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