Two dozen agents of the urban guard of Barcelona, some of Paisano, was presented this Thursday, first thing in the morning, in a municipal workshops to guard the polls of all electoral colleges of conventional elections in Barcelona that They store there and they are property of the state. The police, which controls the space since the night of this Wednesday, have not seized of urns, but “custody the electoral material” that is at the disposal of the consistory, according to detailed municipal sources.
The Urban guard thus fulfills the order dictated on Wednesday by the superior prosecutor of Catalonia, José María Romero de Tejada, and directed to all the local policemen. In that instruction, he ordered them not to leave the electoral units the ballot boxes that the state makes available to the city councils to hold ordinary elections. It is, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the “deposit of electoral material owned by the General administration of the State, entrusted to the city councils for the correct development of the electoral processes”.

Relief of the urban guard before the municipal shop-warehouse where ballot boxes are kept for the elections and has been guarded — Clara Blanchar (@clarablanchar) 28 of Setembre of 2017 the local It is located in the street of Peru and is a municipal workshop of about 50 meters of length where there is deposited material of all type property of the city hall. The City guard will guard the material until October 1 to prevent it from leaving such dependencies or that it may be used in the referendum, suspended by the Constitutional Court. Municipal sources emphasize that no one had requested the use of the ballot box and require that the police presence is explained by the order of the Prosecutor.

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